
Showing posts from December, 2006

towards the end of 2006

luo qian n i @ rapp collins my little cousin ~ jun seng 前几天, 因为台湾的地震而无法上网... 大家在office内快闷坏了... 不知不觉, 我也在这间公司工作了1个月... 在昨天临放工时, 那两个印度妹走过来向我们道别... 说是她们的最后一天了... 经理先生告诉她们下星期不需上班了... 听到这消息后, 还蛮震惊的... 为什么会这样?? 我们已被分配好负责不同的project, 还以为一切成了定局... 从没想过有人会被裁退... 其实, 我也帮不到她们什么... 只能祝福她们早日找到新的工作... 我们也得好好努力... 免得成为下一个被裁退的对象... 加油加油!! 一年又快过去了... 庆幸, 这一年过得还蛮不错... 哈哈... 最令人开心的是... 在今年快画上句号的当儿, 我多了一个可爱的表弟... 他的名字是俊成... 希望他快高长大... 哈哈... 妹妹快到sabah参加国民服务... 还有点不舍得她... 她不在的那3个月, 没人陪我逛pasar malam... 去the curve shopping... 还有干很多莫名其妙的事... 啊... 现在才发现原来有个妹妹是那么多好处的... 哈哈... 希望她在那儿一切顺利啦... take care~

back to work

我还沉淀于假日的悠闲当中... 但今天还是得上班... 辛苦了好几天, 终于轮到我们干轻松的活儿啦... 这是我们努力奋斗的结果... 觉得有点对不起那两个印度妹... 可是, 人不为己, 天理何在啊... 算了吧... 这3天在家也没闲着... 我可是忙得很... 姑姑生产了... 我多了个表弟... 没人照顾破坏王表妹... 所以上个周末她住在我家... 虽然我很爱她, 但照顾她简直是比考试100分还难... 我是说真的... 她一直动个不停... 什么也拿来玩... 又要哄她睡觉, 吃东西... 有她的陪伴, 我们一家过了个异常特别的圣诞节... 真是令人毕生难忘吖... 哈哈... 今年的christmas过得满开心的... 和5+3成员吃圣诞大餐... 和家人交换礼物... 是每年必备的节目... 虽然没什么轰轰烈烈的庆祝party... 可以和心爱的家人朋友一起度过节日是幸福的... 祝福大家永远幸福快乐~~


may everyone enjoys a wonderful christmas!! greetings to: my beloved family ~ daddy + mummy + sis + bros + pei yi n family... members of 5+3 ~ xyao + xyou + kyee + yfoong my buddy ~ LLQ + meng + jeff + big bird + jess + mel + liu sheng + kirk + chee foong + pei mei... my japanese host families n frens ~ Matsui * Mika * Akio * Ryoya * Haruki + Miyamoto * Yoshiki + Kawato * Keiko * Mustumi + Morioka * Miho* + Shimizu * Ikki * Asahi + Yumiya + Sato * Yuko + Mikiko + Yuki + Yuuki + Sakura... ex-colleagues @ ROOTS ~ thien eu + thien chieh + miss koon + media team * yee ling + michelle + carol + alex + lee jing * n everyone i know... including YOU who r reading this... MERRY CHRISTMAS !!


我得了很严重的职业病... 那就是 电话响妄想症 ... 一听见电话响就会很紧张... 就算很肯定, 响的不是自己的电话... 也会瞄瞄桌上的电话... 深怕一个不留神, 忘了接电话... 那就得挨骂了... 幸好这个症状, 只会在公司里发作... 不然, 到处都有电话在响... 我岂不是永远紧张兮兮的... 哈哈... 另一个症状, 是若倩发现的... 她说我得了 电梯迟钝症 ... 根据李医师的说法: 我每次在电梯开门时, 都会迟疑是否该出去... 有时候还会向前走了几步... 然后停下来... 害得她每次都差一点撞到我... 其实, 我一直都不承认自己患上这个怪病... 唯有劳烦身边的朋友观察看看... 我是否真的对电梯迟钝咯... 哈哈... 根据自己多年来的经验, 我是个 容易受伤的女孩 ... 我几乎每个星期都会撞伤... 不是撞到桌子... 就是撞到床角... 每个星期, 身上总会有新的瘀青... 不知为何, 老是那么粗心... 都已经是四眼一族了... 还看不清路面的交通... 再这么下去, 恐怕我迟早满身伤痕... 哈哈... 看来我真是 无可救药 啦!!


人生总是充满无数的不可思议... 在经历了上个星期的大起大落之后, 我必须很荣幸地宣布: 我们革命成功了 ... 哈哈... 没想到经理先生那么容易妥协... 我还想了一连串的反击行动... 根本没派上用场... 老妈说我很无聊, 老是想那些毫无建设性的事... 可是, 我是在为我的前途而奋斗吖... 我觉得自己是应该争取应得的对待... 不可以任由别人欺负... 我们已达成共识 ~~ 一星期, 我和若倩负责 ASTRO 的 outbound call... 另一个星期就负责接 PERODUA 的 inbound call... 我觉得这样的安排至少没那么刻薄... 若是每天打outbound call, 我的手会很酸... 耳朵很痛... 嘴很累... 心情很糟糕... 虽然接inbound call的时候, 不能下去吃午餐... 可是才那两个星期... 很快就会过去的... 不知不觉, 我们在这也呆了3个星期... 工作上的事解决了... 原本是值得庆祝的... 可是, 我却在昨晚, 为了和弟弟争一块红豆糕而扭伤了脚指头... 痛极了... 父母说我活该... 长那么大了, 还要和弟弟胡闹... 可是打打闹闹一直是我和弟妹们勾通的方式... 我也没想到会受伤... 现在走路一拐一拐的... 真是无奈... 不知我的脚几时会痊愈... 希望快一点啦... 我还想去shopping, 买一些 christmas gift 送给朋友... 啊... 祝我好运吧...

i love shopping~~

逛街一整天后, 心情好多了... 买了两件很可爱, 很时髦的上衣... 一件走海洋风, 一件走小贵妇路线... 还有一条很高贵大方的裙子... 一条 * 蕾丝珍珠水晶 * 项链... 哈哈... 收获蛮丰富的... 之前的烦恼顿时消失了... 很爽~~ 本来决定了, 若明天我们还是不能回到原先的工作岗位... 就很萧洒地辞职算啦... 可是在我冷静后, 我又觉得很不甘心... 为何我要为了那么样的小事, 而放弃这份工作... 那我不就便宜了那两个印度妹... 我们走了, 她们就可以继续留在那... 我干嘛要把机会白白送给别人... 我直到现在还没搞清楚到底自己想怎样... 唯有希望船到桥头自然直啦... 我知道我很矛盾~~ 刚获知在degree第一学期的成绩... 还可以... 或许有些人认为没不及格已经是不幸中的大幸... 可我还是希望, 在成绩表上, 看见我心目中理想的成绩... 所幸, 我还满意自己的表现... 付出多少就得到多少咯... 下次再多努力... 我相信明天会更好... 一起加油吧!!!

fighting for my rights

tonnes of unpredictable stuff happened in these 2 days... few days back, when i read YF's blog about the unlucky incidents that hit her family... i told myself, it's almost end of the year... i bet nothing worse would happen... i sincerely wish that my family n friends will have a great christmas n new year... however, on the same day, the manager told me that he has something to discuss with us at 5.30 pm... didn't think much about that... tot it was merely to discuss our evaluation or wat so ever... later then, he passed us a time table... telling us that he needs only 2 person to answer the calls... however, he did not want to fire any of us... so he has came out with a time table, each of us only have to work on certain days... if u get to see the time table, im sure u'll go: WHAT THE F*** !!! if we follow the time table, i'll be working for another 2 days in the whole dec... just 2 more days... n in jan, i work only 12 days... hey, do u think i'll accept hi...

part 2

here's part 2... there are 2 females who i think are the most * outstanding * characters in the entire call centre... one with * short hair * , another with * long hair * ... one thing for sure, the short one has a poor sense of fashion... she matches the latest levis jeans with a 'pasar malam' blouse... =p next, she flirts a lot... it's really irritating to see her walking to our manager every 5 seconds... chatting with him loudly... as if we are all deaf or she's worry that we would miss their 'sweet conversation' ... ha... she sort of scolded me on the first day i work... i HATE her... the long one... she thinks that she has a great sense of fashion... she dresses 'fashionly' everyday... i would say her clothes are undoubtedly fashionable but she's definitely not... her cute-look fringe irritates me the most... it does not suit her at all... she loves to be surronded by males... u can always hear her calling D**, A***, S*****... bla bla bl...

a brand new day

it has been a while since i started working in the call centre... so far so good la... get to talk with different people... some are funny... some are weird... haha... but when there is no incoming calls, my work scope will be chatting with luo qian, checking mails, updating blog n surfing friendster... i have told luo qian most of my stories... haha... nothing much to share de... now she knew who i admire... who i hate... interesting stories between my sibblings n i... in short, she knew everything... haha... let's talk about my *so called* colleagues here... there quite a number of guys here, but i personally think that not a single one is leng zai... few can be considered ok-looking, but im not interested in them... haha... however, my fren Lee Luo Qian has fallen for a guy name * long hair * guy... haha... to me, that guy is not a good man... he smokes, he swear n he has the 'drug addict' look... skinny, glommy n mysterious... our manager , the oldest in the call cent...

Malaysia Boleh~

was so excited the whole nite... my favourite badminton player KOO KIEN KEAT and his partner TAN BOON HEONG won gold medal in ASIA games men doubles event... wow... they have proven to the entire world that MALAYSIA MEMANG BOLEH !!! i felt so proud when Negaraku was played during the victory ceremony... im sure all of us the MALAYSIANs are proud of their great performance last nite... being an unseeded pair, but managed to defeat higher ranking players of korea, indonesia n china... they are so so * COOL~ *


今天一早就得到KL去交 time sheet, 然后就等着 agency 出我的第一份薪水... 蛮期待的... 下个星期应该可拿到吧... 虽然钱还没到手, 但早已打算要去 shopping 啦... 哈哈... 我想, 每个女生都爱逛街, 买东买西的吧... 我就是其中之一... 我上个星期工作了1天半... 这个星期请假3天, 才工作2天... 哈哈... 我只能领到大约RM200吧... 其实, 我没什么很想要买的东西... 哪像若倩那样, 一出粮就买了很贵的球鞋和 jeans... 哈哈... 人家可比我多赚很多钱呐... 出手当然比较豪爽啦... 我想多等几个星期... 我的收入就可以允许我买更多我喜欢的东西了... 话说如此, 我今天还是买了两条很复古的 polka dots belt, 一双很便宜的鞋子, 和一件很可爱的 t-shirt... 对自己的战利品感到相当的满意... 哈哈... 逛了一天, 很累... 由于奇怪的 client 要求一星期7天都必须开放 hotline... 我明天也得上班... 没人愿意 volunteer... 唯有牺牲小我... 唉, 我太伟大了啦... 另一方面, 看我们的经理为人还不错... 就给面子他咯... 经理曾经告诉我, 那两个印度男生被炒鱿鱼了, 因为叫他们做什么, 他们都摆架子, 不肯动手帮忙... 那我还有选择吗... 为了保住我的饭碗... 我必须听他的... 不然我的 shopping plan 就化为乌有了... 哈哈... 而且妈妈说他让我请那么长的假期, 是应该报答他的... 昨天, 收工之前接到了一通很奇怪 + 变态 + 无聊的电话... 那个无知的男人和我说了一堆废话... 但感谢世上有这么奇怪的人... 在我无聊的工作天, 为我解闷... 他说的话太搞笑了... 哈哈... 也有点语无伦次... 我搞不懂他是真的要参加比赛... 还是恶作剧... 最后想提醒大家... 要是谁有兴趣听我那可爱, 感性, 优雅的声音... 欢迎在傍晚6.00过后, 拨打 1800-88-6500 ... 那段电话录音是本小姐的声音哦... 我自己听了很多遍... 依然觉得很可爱... 哈哈... PS: 我的爱人 KKK 打进决赛了... 虽然明天必须上班, 我还是会守在电视前支持他的... 加油加油 ...

Kirk's new car



im back from family trip n now back to work... here goes my report... i have received 4 calls till now... it's as boring as usual... cant online since this morning... have been reading newspaper... chatting with luoqian... counting bunch of sony ericsson warranty cards... n finally, it's lunch time... yeah~~ wondering why some of them still wan to stay in the extremely bored call centre to have their lunch... why not go somewhere else which is more intersting to enjoy the precious 1 hour break... hmm, saw our boss at the chinese restaurant n he invited us to have lunch together... we joined him n i started to ask lots of questions in order to create a merrier atmosphere... haha... n i get to know that the 2 indian guys were asked to leave becoz my boss thinks they r lazy... oh... atika is sick since yesterday n now just left 4 of us answering call... went to visit my ex-colleagues at ROOTS after lunch... bought them some famous 'tambun cookies' (dunno how to explain in ...


今天上午, 坐在电话前快4小时, 只在10.20 am, 11.08 am 和 1.00 pm时接了3个毫无疑义的电话... 当我说了: hello, thanks for calling PERODUA Fill n Win contest hotline. how can i help u? 对方就挂电话... 无聊极了... 等了一整个早上, 还以为终于有来电了... 可是却遇到打错电话的... 真的很无趣... 唉... 其实, 我怀疑那些电话是同事故意拨来的... 想试探我们和客户讲电话的态度... 还有看见我们那么空闲, 就让我们接个电话... 打发时间嘛... 午餐过后, 又在3.48 pm 和 4.21 pm接了另两通电话... 就这样过了一天... 听起来我的工作很简单吧... 非也... 现在我才知道原来坐着没事干是超无聊的一件事... 唯有上网看别人的blog... 和朋友MSN... 过过时间... 我在想今天是比赛的第二天... 就没人拨热线了... 公司看见这样的状况, 是否会考虑减少人手... 现在我们有8人负责这个project... 可是今天每个人平均只接了3通电话... 哈哈... 但, 再仔细想想... 只有若倩和我会说华语... 我们被解雇的可能性很低吧... 这是因为我们扮演着很重要的角色哦... 我们能说3种语言... 而且没被投诉过... 哈哈... 明天开始我请假3天... 和家人去旅行... 因为这件事, 若倩埋怨了很久... 说没人陪她吃午餐... 聊天... 其实我是在为她制造机会吖... 借故请假, 那么她就可以名正言顺地约公司里她心仪的对象一起去吃午餐... 看我对她多好... 哈哈... 今天还发现以前的同学siao也在同一座建筑物上班... 真是很巧吖... 若倩也可以考虑和他发展... 真是太棒了... 哈哈... 该休息了... 3天后再见... 我会想你们的... 哈哈...


上班第一天, 没发生什么大事... 可是, 就不满一些自认为资力比我们高的人... 一直盯着我们这些新人... 有两个女的... 我不清楚她们的职位... 可是我就是不爽她们的态度... 一直走过来我的座位... 看来看去的... 又问我有没有miss掉什么电话... 她从远方听见我这的电话一直在响... 可是没人接... 说若没接到任何一个电话, 都会影响整组人的表现... 叫我小心一点... 哈哈... 我的电话根本不会响... 有来电时只会一直亮着红灯... 我认为那两个女的是存心给我们下马威... 嘿, 我才不怕她们... 可是, 经理说有人投诉我们的表现... 还不只一次... 虽然被投诉的不是我, 我还蛮好奇那些人是怎么通知经理的... 因为如果拨toll free number, 接电话的是我们几个... 不会惊动经理... 而公众人士也不知道我们为哪间公司打工... 他们又如何作出投诉呢... 好奇怪噢... 我还是乖乖接电话... 做好自己的本分... 那别人就无闲话可说了... 哈... 发现, 原来很多人非常热衷于参加比赛... 我自己对这个比赛一点兴趣也没有... 可是还蛮多人拨电来询问并报名参加... 有些人还为了答对问题而上网做了一些research... 好认真哦... 一些人很热情... 很可爱... 也有些人很麻烦... 哈哈... 这个工作蛮有趣的... 可以和不同的人交谈... 也可以锻练我的语文能力... 我竟然说国语吖... 而且是用国语问了18个问题... 哈哈... 我想我从来没有以国语说过那么多的话吧... 除了小学时参加国语演讲比赛... 哈哈... 我现在工作的地方, 和去年 internship 的地点一样... 看来我和 kelana square 还蛮有缘分的... 哈哈... 这两天, 遇见了几个以前的同事... 大家都没什么变... 然而, 知道有些同事已离开了那间公司... 我还发现一件蛮好笑的事... 在停车场的那只狗... 一年后的今天, 竟然还在那出现... 我以为它已经死了或已搬家了... 真没想到还有机会遇到它... 哈哈...

first day

yesterday was just simple briefing n some tips on how to answer phone calls... so today is officially the first day, im working as a customer service personnel... i have just answered less than 3 calls till now... luo qian says it's cool to be paid for doing nothing ... haha... anyway, my job is to answer enquiries regarding a contest held by PERODUA ... n help people register the contest... *** for all perodua owners, call 1800-88-6500 n u'll stand a chance to win a kancil... *** nothing much to write about right now... still waiting for calls... my dear friends who wish to know how professional i am, feel free to call the number mentioned above... it's a toll free line... haha...