
Showing posts from September, 2011


曾经到访过落后地区的人或多或少都会赞成,城市人的不满足于现况是很悲哀的。 也许你会同情住在乡下的人没有水电供应,生活不方便。没有百货公司,得自己种菜缝衣服。没有汽车,去哪儿都得走一天的路。 其实这些对他们来说都不怎么重要。重要的是,他们活得快乐自在。 他们不被名利所诱惑。他们的每一天只为过得平安健康。不是吗? 至少我在乡下认识的朋友每一个都对生活从满热情,虽然他们没有很好的生活环境。 他们安于现状,觉得那样的生活没什么不好,有一点点意外的收获就很开心。他们脸上的笑容很令人羡慕。 现在的城市人为了工作而失去了自由和健康,还有与家人相处的时间。稍有成绩,就想要更多的金钱更高的地位。这些欲望永远都追不完。什么时候才足够呢?才能休息呢? 这也就是城市人自以为很棒的生活品质,但其实很空洞。 城市人的笑容都不持久,有些甚至很虚伪。相比于乡下人,他们可以为了捕到一条鱼而挂着微笑一整天;为了一顿团圆饭忙了一天依然保持着笑脸迎人。 基本的生活条件足够就好,不要太强求,才能过得快乐。这就是我在乡下学到的道理。 很无奈的,在城市里住了那么久,我们都回不去了。回不去当初的简简单单,轻轻松松。


照理我今天应该为星期四的发表会忙个不停。但我却受不了FB一直有五月天的最新消息。就进去看了下。看了北京,再看香港,再看看上海。 为什么他们没有来马来西亚? 而且还答应中国歌迷在票房最高的三个城市办免费新歌演唱会。OMG!我也要去! 电影里没有马来西亚演唱会的片断我已经很伤心了,现在又不来这里,为什么? 喜欢五月天的朋友,请赶快进戏院看3DNA。票房好,他们可能会来咯!OAOA!  曾经我也是3DNA的一份子。

it's fated!

finally i get positive reply from my ex client, yay! it's fated lor... that's all i can say. haha.  watched nasi lemak 2.0 last nite. no comments yet. need some time to digest. hope i get the jokes right. haha.  but the discussion on whether the movie will be banned is interesting enough to keep everyone excited about the movie.  anyway, nothing much to update about work. oh i hate being the despatch girl. dont think that's cost effective. i spend more than an hour just to find a freaking building! guess i shall just pay the courier company.  PS: this is the happiest week since i started work. thanks to kepong gang! i love you all! no worries la, i wont burn your house, you guys are my bestest pals! =) 

my new hobby

photo editing is an addictive hobby. am getting a little anti social recently. hence i pick up the hobby. it's cool to have some ME time over the long weekend. to figure out what i wanna achieve. what i like doing. what i can and cannot bear with.  the more taiwanese drama i watch, the more i miss taiwan. LLQ, lets get our dream started. move there, like now!  on another note, sometimes i really think i venture into the wrong industry. why i dont get business trips overseas?  i shall just stop here. before i start ranting about work. long weekend shouldn't be bothered by work. ciao! 


step 1: 听人生海海 step 2: 看五月天演唱会 step 3: 决定自己的梦想 step 4: 努力追梦 step 5: 再看一场五月天万人演唱会 梦想就实现啦!


一定要好好向偶像学习 努力朝梦想迈进 我的五月天 我的梦想 加油!

wish me luck

looking forward to hearing some good news soon. haha.  this is just step one. hoping to take step two very soon.  do not procrastinate is the morale of the story.  =)

email from bff

email from bff never fail to cheer me up (like every time)! thanks so much for the words of encouragement and confidence you have in me. sometimes i really wonder: am i as great as what you think? haha dear bff,  i miss u a lot, especially when im confused about what decision is right. which path to take. being 10500km apart, we can only rely on communication thru emails and FB. but that's good enough. i look forward to getting your next email every time i hit send on my end. your emails somehow have the magic power to help me with decisions needed in life. thanks so much! i truly mean it.  what i could do now is to wish u best of luck in your thesis, so we shall reunite soon! miss u xxx

first week

glad that i survived first week. work is OK. colleagues are OK.  but getting up early still needs a lot of improvement. got a saman on the third day of work, brilliant rite?!  went for first event today. quite fun. met a shaolin monk who will be participating in the kickboxing event end of this month. i'll be watching the match LIVE!  wow, i always think wrestling/boxing/fighting on stage is cruel. am i prepared to watch it live? haha  oh the press con was held at mont kiara plaza today. the thai restaurant is now hsbc. jap restaurant is now mr siew bao. and there's a new club, new cafe, new optical shop. and a new shopping mall opposite the plaza. it proves that i have not visited mont kiara long enough.  besides sleeping at 9 or 10pm everyday, guess im still coping with the job.what else to update?  oh yes im happy that luoqian and grace are near me. must lunch more often!  and the perks of working in the agency is that i get a...

day 1 after 1.5 years

this is the first day i went back to normal working routine. it's a little tough to wake up early, decide what to wear, stuck in the jam, get a parking space etc. but it'll not last long, i hope! getting used to the routine and stay passionate at work should not be a prob, as i am the one who chose the job =)  got 2 shocking news since i stepped into the office. one of the colleagues will be leaving next month.  my potential client is a mafan lady. wow, that's not too good to start of with, yea? no more bad news, please. this is just my first day. haha anyway i will not give up easily. and i know i shouldn't. jia you bah, luyi! 


某晚心血来潮,在房里收拾东西。打开了久违出现的包包,找到了毕业纪念册。当然要看看啦,回味一下同学们对我厚爱! 原来早在中学时期我已经把可爱精神发扬光大。我一直都以为我在近两年内才很厚脸皮地大事宣传我的可爱。可是,原来可爱是自然散发的;就算不宣传,别人也感受到。 看见班上或曾经同班的同学个个都说:对茹薏的印象就是她很可爱,很爱笑。就连同班两年但说不到10句话的男同学也说:虽然很少和你谈话,但知道你很可爱。 很夸张吧?我真的有点吓到咯。我还以为我中学时很低调的。也许是他们真的觉得我很可爱?哈哈! 谢谢大家的支持。突然有点想念我的同学。好久没见了。 PS: 同学们,我现在还是很可爱哦!

latest plan

as the old chinese saying 人算不如天算, i have changed my plans for 2011/2012 im not freckle minded but when opportunity comes, u gotta decide to take or leave it it's sept 2011 now. im pretty sure 2012 wont be end of the world, so i gotta make new plans. getting a 6 months temp job is not tough, but getting a job that i like with the pay i deserve is tough enough who knows what will happen tomorrow? who can guarantee im able to secure the NZ visa by next jan? i cant just wait here doing nothing. i need to make full use of my capability i gotta admit that im pretty lucky in my career path opportunities just pop up when i need them from internship to agency to freelance to agency again actually it's all connected. i gotta thank myself for the dedication at work. every job offer is recommended by ex-boss. im doing quite a good job ya, haha anyway i will be working full time, in an office, from 9am to 6pm, with colleagues, wearing formal clothes starting next monday! i have left t...