
Showing posts from February, 2012

once every 4 years

on this very special day, i went dinner with peiting, the founder of kepong gang. farewell dinner since she's leaving this saturday. she is going to US, maybe costa rica too, and maybe south africa or maybe she'll be back in august. ms global traveler, jiayou!  the french cuisine reminded me of paris. burst out laughing when i saw the tables facing the 'street'. it's so paris. haha. the very first meal we had in paris. we're sitting at a table facing the streets. did not enjoy the sunlight at all. but this couple attracted our attention.  this is what we have in mind when we saw the couple a pretty lady flirting with an uncle she's with him just for the $$$!! 100%!! hahahaha... very not romantic ah... oh dear, when will be the next visit? 

doing what i can

(photos curi-ed from peiting and carrot)  one of the significant acts i have achieved as a  responsible citizen the authority called this a protest i would say it's a gathering for the ppl who have the same belief  we are just protecting our family i hope for a better future fingers crossed~

i need more time

1 month till i leave for NZ. super busy with the 2 events now, am so tired after work everyday, no extra strength to plan my trips. still havent secured any jobs, get accommodation, plan the route. and im going to visit sis in HK 1 week before i fly. omg. so many unchecked items in the to do list, so little time, how lah...  and now i got a wedding invitation to fit into my schedule, no it's 2 invites, oh no it's 3 to be accurate. wont be able to attend all though. i would definitely make time for kangjie, one of the members of kepong gang. would love to visit peiren in aussie too since im so near to him. oh ya not to forget my sis' convo end of nov. everything seems pretty confirmed, but it's not 100% confirmed. i need more time. to do my own things. why am i still going to work?? looking forward to 25 march. when my adventure commence (this is not NZ. this is barcelona)


lazying in bed... snacking... watching tv... that's how i spend my sunday =) 

26 + 1

i am 26 years + 1 week today... haha  here's a brief summary of being 26   1 week before i turn 26 met some good friends at a very meaningful event we talked about dreams, passion & future thank god 2012 is not end of the world, yet   final reunion with 5+3 on my birthday before kaiyee starts her phd before xiao yao is back for good we'll reunite soon! forever kepong gang they appreciate my cuteness, my jokes, my everything when the guys get married, i'll be their hengdai!  when the girls get married, i'll be their jimui + wedding planner the most exciting trip besides going NZ family trip to HK for sis' convo yay! yay! yay! 


3天里看完我可能不会爱你,深深地爱上李大仁!他实在是太帅了!身边有这样的朋友真的还不错。但我一定不会只把他当朋友,怎么可能,哈哈! 虽然我没有李大仁,但我有黄文成、杨伟贤和沈宝杰。虽然他们没有李大仁那么帅,但他们常和我聊一聊,偶尔喝一杯。幸好他们不是李大仁,因为我不可能会爱他们,哈哈! 也许受到戏剧的影响,觉得自己和程又青之间有很多共同点。 她认为27岁后,生日就不需要铺张庆祝,有好朋友的祝福就可以了。但好朋友一定不能忘记献上祝福。这跟我简直一样嘛。年纪大了,只剩下超级好朋友愿意抽空和我共度这重要的日子。如果他们忘记了,我真的会生气的。 她习惯用Starbucks tumbler 装上班前要喝的饮料。我也是吖,哈哈。因为我原本的杯坏了。 她认为自己很好。如果随便找个人来爱就非常对不起她的好。她的初老症状,我好像也有。

a meaningful saturday

attended second monthly meet in 2012 last staurday. had a tiring yet satisfying weekend with raleigh mates. im glad that i participated in this meaningful project.  helping the orang asli kids might sound too ambitious (to some people) but we did completed quite an amount of work. kudos to those who spent a week at the work site. wish i had the time to contribute more. but spending just a day there is good enough. i can feel the sincerity of the couple. and i've learnt to have faith in whatever i am doing. just like the chinese saying: nothing is impossible if you have the heart to work on something. im really happy to see the outcome.  meeting my dear raleigh mates is double happiness!! didnt get to catch up with shu may before she left for aussie. but i had a great great time with dolphin queen and backpack king and the rest of them. felt a bit reluctant to leave early but the trip with kepong gang the next day shouldn't be missed. so i'll be back! 

my love

my birthday wish this year: may all my family members stay happy and healthy forever! me and sis will embark on our adventures soon it'll be a great great year for both of us. loves! 

happy birthday to luyi!

 thanks for everything =)    kepong gang. with lots of LOVE! they never fail to cheer me up whenever i need them  5+3. next year president Yao will be in the photo. the class monitors. best best friends for 17 years. 

happy friendship

love the trip with kepong gang. every bit of it. the people, the food, the pit stops, the jokes, the gossips, the nonsense. the best so far. thanks guys. for making it happen. love u all so so much! 

1 more week

till im a year older till i read the love letter till i get wiser yet cuter