
Showing posts from June, 2012

missing ashburton!

  i miss ashburton because i miss them have been looking at the love notes they gave me almost every night before i sleep  will i see them again?  if i am going to visit all of them, i'll need to take next year off and start my journey from singapore to taiwan to Uk to france to germany then all the way to south america, haha 法国佬 – 去Talley’s 工作的司机。No worries 和 Up to you 是他的口头禅。一餐可以吃8粒鸡蛋,超夸张的。热情友善的好人一个。很爱找人聊天,所以几乎全工厂和Holiday Park 的人都认识。一开始和他沟通不良,觉得他很奇怪,但相处久后觉得他人好好又不计较。可是有时很情绪化,令人摸不着他心情为何转变得那么快。 司机哥哥 – 英国人。通常周末载我们去图书馆上网和去超级市场进货。他的笑声超好认,很像圣诞老公公。起初觉得他是成熟男人的代表,不像其他人那么没计划,因为他28岁了。相处久后,发现他蛮爱扮可爱。常说自己很倒霉,虽然他的经历是蛮倒霉的,但我相信有一天他可以顺利朝着自己的梦想迈进。 稻米 – 爱尔兰人。由于我误会他曾经偷拿我的鸡腿,所以每次他对我笑,我都觉得他笑容邪恶。直到他走的前两天,误会才解开。他并没有偷我的鸡腿。打呼声很大。个子很高,天气冷时换了件帅气外套,球衣外套就很少出现了。也是周末出城的团员。 肉食男 – 餐餐吃很多肉。Jen说他笑容灿烂。他不过才20岁,难怪那么活泼有阳光。也许一起出城所以混熟了。老爱讲冷笑话。喜欢和他聊天,总有出其不意的爆笑场面。 小鬼 – 肉食男的朋友。和肉食男一起简直是对孖宝,总爱取笑我。和他一起去Christchurch 和看日落后开始熟了。他的酒窝竟然深过我的! 法国型女 – 看不出她31岁了。短头发,衣着打扮和一般女生很不一样。喜欢heav...

F&B attendant @ Whakapapa Ski Field

  working in a cafe on a snow capped volcano is cool you get to see super duper awesome scenery everyday first day was a good challenge for me  glad the staff and customers are very kind people   taking chair lifts to work is another plus point of the job  it's freezing cold but it's amazingly fun!   knoll ridge cafe, on top of the mountain  very pretty view up there  but i dont work here. and im glad coz it's closed most of the time depending on weather i still need more working hours to subsidize my travels so im happy to be in happy valley cafe =)

Mt Ruapehu, my new work place

  this is the volcano i'll be working at till end of winter (hopefully) it's very cold up there. but i'll get used to the weather soon shall take more pictures up the mountain when the weather is clear weather has been crappy for the last 2 days  i'll be working at happy valley cafe hope the new work place brings me tonnes of happiness,  just like its name, haha!    finally finished writing my diary it's up-to-date now =)

it has been a week

  this is all i can do. believe in myself and appreciate what had happened  thanks to BFFs. im doing good now im living next to a snow capped volcano working on the volcano if it does erupt one day, im glad i have been enjoying my adventure here thanks to the new friends too without them (plus ah ming) i wont recover so quickly im still the cheerful girl everyone admires =) 

traveling alone

  no one help me take picture with the statue   having brunch at the park   saw a cute toilet on the way to i-site   reminds me of the playground in ashburton where thomas dropped me off after work this is not the right time to visit wellington. there are a lot of unique buildings, interesting museums and art galleries, nice cafes, and so on. but i am not mentally and emotionally prepared. the incident has had a huge impact on me. im confused. im lost. im just not me.  those who knew what happened, please continue to send me your blessings. i need loads of them to move on. those who didn't know what happened, please don't bother asking.  i will visit wellington again, hopefully with jen. 

i've been ashburtonized!

last night was my last day at talley's. and im missing everyone even before i leave. i miss working in the factory. i miss my colleagues. i miss everyone in the backpackers. i miss gemma and lauren. i miss jen.    crew one.  irene - luyi - jodie - claudia - jen   carolina who cycles to work with her boyfriens sumi who's in crew one. she loves me, i know sharna the super friendly girl in talley's   me and my dorm mates the best combination ever now we know french, german, british and malaysian are good friends   thomas - max - lukas young boys. but they're helpful. i miss their lame jokes

my last sunday in south island

  went to christchurh to attend a car fair helped joe sell his car. but the mission failed miserably   watched sunset at lake hood   joe   lukas   gifts for my fellow dorm mates

last few days in talley's

  sim from malaysia. it was her last day have a safe trip home. see you in malaysia   kenny from korea super nice guy. he brings a laptop bag to work =P   courtney from new zealand. she lost her previous job due to earth quake that's why she appreciates this job a lot. the most hardworking kiwi i have ever met got closer with colleagues. but time to leave soon. next tues will be my last day hopefully i'll get cool colleagues at the ski field

hokitika - the jade factory

  thanks to the 晴天娃娃 it didn't rain throughout the weekend   hokitika town center love it! very tranquil little town with jade factories and art galleries everywhere   my and my play mate he 's 24 and i'm 26 but when we're together, we are both 12 =)   sunset point too cloudy for sunset but i had a great great time with thomas and jen just walking along the beach. doing nothing