
Showing posts from June, 2014

i am still me

13 june had passed. havent tendered my resignation yet but i guess it wont be too long till i do so. i have had enough of unfair treatment. i deserved a better working environment.  some ppl might comment that i am childish. some ppl might think i am naive. but whatever they say, luyi is still luyi. so dont be surprised of what happening next. i have no idea too. 


喜欢简单,不喜欢麻烦和累的感觉。 健忘不记仇。只要没碰他底线,一切都是过眼云烟。  有斗志爱拼搏,刻苦努力。  别人对他好定加倍奉还的代表。  天生的统筹规划专家,计划性强。  固执。明知是错也要往前走。撞了南墙就把墙拆了继续走。  讨厌做决定。就算是颜色不同也会让他们苦恼半天。  爱笑,一点小事就笑逐颜开,什么都写在脸上。  爱憎分明,不给自己不喜欢的人丝毫机会,对自己喜欢的人超级纵容。