
Showing posts from September, 2016


終于回家把在紐西蘭寫的日記帶回來。 又一次回顧當年的點點滴滴。 有些事已經忘了,幸好當時有寫日記。 年紀大了,真的很愛想當年。 相信隻認識了幾個小時的朋友,第二天走了幾公里的路去會面。 hitchhike 去 interview  在海邊一面抓 mussels 一面做 phone interview 找不到 hotel 差點要在冬天睡車上 自己一個人睡一整間 hostel 原來我曾經那麽勇敢 現在的我,還敢嗎?

Post Wedding Blues

  this is the first time i'ver ever gotten post wedding blues and it's not my wedding, lol  the garden wedding that she wanted despite the hot sun, everyone enjoyed the session was so touched with the vow exchange    the most powerful jimui troupe  including a mascot   as usual second round after wedding reception and the bride joined us!    emcee of the night  i'll only do it for her :)  but i'm sorry for forgetting champagne popping luckily my partner saved the day   super proud with my makeshift snooker game  the hengdai are snooker experts apparently, haha    thanks for giving us such a good memory and a good reason to gather, have fun and be crazy! 

the most kind hearted friend

  she's indeed a very good travel companion  she never say no to your random plans  including trespassing a forest reserve, walking in the rain and many more craziness you can't imagine...    doing silly things when we think no one would recognise us  running in the university like Bollywood movie   the silliest decision made was hiking in jeans as we thought  the bus will send us to the viewing deck, just like the rest of the tourists we didn't expect we need to hike 2 hours to get there not to mention a 10m high "sky ladder"  and we took a boat with 20 other passengers  we really thought the boat would sink yet we still wanna wefie, lol!  "oh, the boat is shaking" "will it sink" we have been shouting throughout the ride that's farm woon chin the most kind hearted person i've ever met  wishing you a happy and contented life  soon-to-be mrs tay :)