Congratulations!! Jeff 加油..
HEY, everybody listen up, listen up! I have a great + good + happy news to announce here... my Buddy, Jeffery Lim Ze Kang's application to study medic in University Malaya has been approved... Wasn't it a great news?! around applause, please... thanks for supporting JEFF... (haha, think too much, this's not a concert... oopss) anyway, i'm totally proud + happy to be his fren... he's so so so great + 厉害!! wish him all the best in his future undertakings... do hope he'll be a perfect doctor in the future... n yup, remember to give me discount when any of my family members need your consultation, k... haha... just a simple message to show my happiness due to Jeff's achievements... If u say Malaysia Boleh, i will rather agree with the fact that Kepong Boleh!! yeah~~~ do u know that more n more people from Kepong is very famous at this point of time... for example: the champion of dunno what international beauty pageant 2004 (can't remember the full name of this event, but it's a very famous international event) is 李思琪, and she's from Kepong... she's very very famous now... always go for charity with Jacky Chan... great leh?? so I'm proud to be 1 of the Kepong member... yeah~~~ Kepong rocks!! 噢, 有点离题了... 我原本想恭贺一下Jeff的, 想不到会变成宣传甲洞 (Kepong)... 哈哈... Jeffery, 恭喜哦... 你真的很棒!! 加油... 永远支持你... 虽然你很开朗, 但伤心时, 不需迟疑, 只要一则简讯或一通电话, 我一定愿意借你我的耳朵... 聆听你的烦恼... 帮你解忧... 不要什么都藏在心里... 这样很容易变老哟...
Frenz 4 Eva!!!