Youth Exchange Program

看着在房里收拾的YUKI, 就想起当年我也是这样一个人在异国体验新的文化, 生活... 蛮怀念那段在异乡的日子... 它让我知道我很棒... 我会洗衣服... 浇花... 收拾床铺... 吸尘... 还有很多很多... 这些看似简单的家务是我在家里从不干的事儿... 原来我还蛮能适应新的环境... 哈哈... 虽然想家, 但我还想逗留久一些... 毕竟这种体验一生就只有一次... 就算时光倒流, 也未必可以回到当时的心情... 3年了, 我还是常想起当年... 16的我... 傻傻地在日本渡过了1个月的时光...


Anonymous said…
Bill Clinton Hires New Spokesman
Jay Carson was also a former press secretary for Sen. Tom Daschle, D-S.D., and has worked for the Democratic National Committee Carson replaces Jim Kennedy, who announced he is leaving to become a spokesman for ...
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Anonymous said…
哇...你这么给我面子啊?把我的blog放成"Blogz I Like",真是多谢厚爱啊!呵呵!现在在公司里,没什么事做。Wish U all the best always!!
Anonymous said…
huhuhu~~wye sam﹐那我不是被冷落了~~(哭泣中~~)

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