finally, everything is done... just 1 more assignment to go... but it's a easy one... so don have to spend much time to deal with it... oh... im so relieve now... the funds raising project has finally been terminated... yeah~~~ tomorrow im going out with my buddies... yup, will be a day filled with lots of enjoyment n fun... looking forward to it...
终于可以休息了... 忙了一段时间... 现在必须好好整理心情... 放松一下... 好想大吃一餐哦!! 哈哈... 每当我极度开心或极度伤心时... 我都会有吃东西的念头... 什么瘦身计划... 减肥餐... 通通不重要... 只想在一个情调不错的公园... 只身坐在草地上... 面前摆满了我最爱的食物... 一边欣赏美丽的风景... 一边品尝美味的食物... 那可真是人生一大享受... 伤心时, 以吃来发泄... 开心时, 以吃来庆祝... 这就是我一辈子也不可能减肥成功的最大原因... 但人生短短几十年... 不好好享受... 做自己想做的事... 那怎对得起自己???