end of my sem break..
it's already 1 week... time to say goodbye to semester break... n time to say hello to more assignments... ya, n my results too... hope i'll get good results though i know i din really put much effort... sigh... lazy me... anyway, should be OK... wat have i done for the whole week??
well, on monday i went for an interview... but the appoinment was cancelled last minute... on tuesday... i accompany mum to renew her passport... then spent half of my day in her office... quite bored... nothing much to do... ok, wednesday is our 48th national day... MALAYSIA BOLEH... yeah... stayed at home... thursday, get mum's new passport... buy new clothes... fecth brother to tuition... n friday... look for new blogskin... i wanted to redesign my blog layout but it's not easy... still trying hard... n finally today... sleep... watch tv... go pasar malam... eat mooncake...
yup, i would like to wish my sifu... STEVEN WONG... happy anniversary... 29th august... is our sifu-toudai anniversary... it has been 4 years since i know my sifu... he teaches he lots of things... he's such a great fren to me... sifu is going to study medic in india mid of september... sifu, all the best in your future undertakings... toudai will support u forever... yeah~~~

u taught me lot of things too =)