PAWLORS which stand’s for Taylor’s for PAWS, are a team of 16 students aiming to successfully accomplish the task given by lecturer, Mr. Kumar as well as to apply our knowledge on managing business projects. we have decided to riase funds for PAWS... for your information:
PAWS (Paws Animal Welfare Society) was founded in 1987 by an English lady named Mrs Eales, whose husband was - at that time - the CEO of Sime Darby in Malaysia. Through their generosity and imagination PAWS was constructed on a patch of land owned by the company on the Subang Airport Road. This distinct group of sheds and courtyard still stands today and currently homes around 450 cats and dogs. Their charity depends entirely on the generosity of the public through donations or proceeds from charitable events organized and run by volunteers. Their purpose is to look after stray cats and dogs and to try to find homes for them if at all possible.
our mission:
a. To fulfil our required task which is to collect enough funds for Paws in order to purchase at least ten surgical kits (RM 3000)
b. To create awareness against cruelty to animals and the importance for providing shelter for strays
that's the brief background of who we are n wat we are doing to do...
n the highlight of the day is.... we need more funds... 这是我的assignment之一... 花了好长的时间搞这个project... 但还是离我们的目标蛮远的... 要多努力... 筹款真是不容易... 慷慨解囊的人... 少之又少... 我们的社会到底怎么了???