Baka desu!!

i was reading some newspaper yesterday and this morning... monitoring the media is part of my job... all i have to do is read the press n look for news/ articles/ advertisements related to our clients and thier competitors... OK... wat i wan to say is i have gone thru a very foolish article that says that 2 sisters were sad after being informed that their pet cat which has been sent to SPCA has put to sleep... haha... so foolish yea... if u love your pet so so much, then take care of it la... why send it to animal shelter... i believe that all people working in aminal shelter are animal lovers... it's a tough task to put animals to sleep... dun blame them la... there are so many stray animals everywhere... how can the animal shelter take care of all of them... most of the animal shelters are lacking of funds and resources... they cant afford and definitely not able to take care of all the strays... what they can do to save more strays is to put some of the strays to sleep... it may sound cruel to u, but hey, that's the only solution...

to all animal lovers,
if u love animals, show your care for them... dun leave them aside... n when unfortunate incidents occured, u claim that u care for the animals... put your words into action!


Anonymous said…
From the newspaper i read, they sent the cats to the animal shelter as their apartment is not allowed to hv any pet~~anyway i dun really remember how's the "mother" gv born of these 2 kittens in the apartment~~

We can't blame any of them...and i didn't say tat the cat should die, but try to think about the situation of both side, both of them hv the same wish...jst the situation not allowed~~wat can we do to avoid this happen? funds and resources of course, and the policy also...I think if the animals which put to die were not kittens but a dog, nobody will concern about this as all, in Malaysia~~

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