study break

in the midst of my last study break... which means exams is coming soon... it's my finals... will get diploma very very soon... obviously im not ready to get a job yet... i had tried working during internship... it's not fun tho... i have decided to continue with my degree in taylors... it takes only 1 n half years... most important, it'll b an aussie degree... sounds good deal yea...
going overseas is 1 of my dremas since young... anyway i believe i'll still have the opportunity to study abroad later... maybe master or phd... who knows...

well, talking bout the exams... due to some unforseen circumstances... most probably cant get an A for project... might be B+ or even worse... did quite badly in econs assignment... n that cost another border line A- or B+ for that subject... the only subject that i have confident in is Moral... really hope i could maintian my 3.8 cgpa... i know it's quite tough to do that at this moment... since i have calculated again n again... the best result i could get is probably just around 3.7 =p

try harder gal... i know i can do better... im just too lazy now... maybe too tired with all the stuff that i have undergone in all the 7 semesters... learnt a lot from college life... especially about human nature... hehe... my conclusion is... u have to pay in order to grow up... 成长的代价是很大的... anyway, im more mature now... thanks to everyone... to all the people who i like n those who i really hate... all of them have made me grown up...

it's time to get back to my revision... tata...

ps: im quite addicted to malaysian thomas cup squad since the match... have been checking the newspaper for their news everyday... n i'll browse this forum just to get their latest info... check it out if u r badminton fans too...


Anonymous said…
The starting point to achieve your target is TRUST it, trust yourself can get full cgpa. The end point to achieve your target is PERSIST.

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