
Showing posts from July, 2006

bye, aunty...

我家的女佣回国了... 不知不觉, 她在我们家服务了3年... 她乘搭今天一大早的飞机回去了... 我和弟弟妹妹都起床和她说声再见... 毕竟这次的离别将代表永远不再见面了... 她年级也蛮大了... 再回到我家工作的可能性并不高... 蛮舍不得她的... 她待我不错... 一切琐碎事都由她代劳... 别问我家里的什么什么放在哪里... 我都不清楚... 就连有时候自己的铅笔盒啦, 袜子啦, 手表啦等等... 我找遍整间屋子都找不着... 最后都得问女佣它们身在何方, 才得以与它们相见... 自从妹妹出世以来, 我家都有聘请女佣... 所以从小我并不需做任何家务... 每一次女佣回去, 心里都依依不舍... 但我总不能阻止人家回国去一家团聚, 享享天伦之乐嘛... 在中学时期, 我曾以一篇以女佣为主题的文章得到老师的赞赏... 不知是我写得太好, 还是老师比较单纯... 她竟会因为这篇50%真实50%虚构的作文到处宣扬我和我家女佣的感情超好... 这就算了... 她还令我在妹妹的班上流芳百世... 我想她在妹妹的班级称赞这篇作文至少有5次吧... 好夸张... 我只是随便写写吧了... 作文不都是以现实生活加上想象力才可以变得精彩... 那位老师未免太抬举我了... 哈哈... 当然, 故事里最真实的一点是我没亏待我的女佣... 祝福她一切安好... 幸福快乐地和家人在一块...

Jym, 你是最棒的!

当 庄靖毅 被踢出局时, 我怪失望的... 但想想: 很明显的, 他的表现不如其他参赛者... 出局是意料中的事... 算了, 只要尽力就好... 可以和张栋梁合唱也算不枉费此行了嘛... 只好看开点咯... 幸好我支持的另一个参赛者 郑伟康 赢了... 不然, 我会更伤心... 相信以 伟康 的人气与实力, 未来一定有一番作为... 好好努力吖... dear jym: 输了比赛, 你伤心... 我也蛮难过的... 也许你在评审眼里并不是最好的... 但在你的支持者心中... 你永远是最亮眼的新秀... 要继续加油哦!! 我们永远支持你!!

the lake house

好浪漫的一部电影... 可惜的是, 陪我观赏这部戏的人并不是我的白马王子... 而是 李若倩 ... 哈哈... 明明知道故事纯属虚构... 还是希望那浪漫的情节会发生在现实生活里... 所谓 戏如人生, 人生如戏 ... 自从看了 , 就好希望可以嫁给医生 (必须符合条件: 帅, 有$$, 浪漫, 幽默...) 哈哈... 我真是入戏太深了... 救命啊 !!

再见了, 小黑..

小黑走了... 大家都很伤心... 看来我们家真的没养小动物的缘分... 记得二年级生日的时候, 妈妈送我两条金鱼和两只小乌龟... 没几天小金鱼就死了... 再过几天就连传说中很长命的乌龟也归西了... 从此家里再也不养任何东物... 妈妈说不想把活生生的小动物害死... 很无辜... 小黑是弟弟在学校嘉年华赢得的奖品... 是条黑色的小鱼... 才养了5天, 它就离我们而去了... 还是认命吧... 以后别养动物了... 免得害人害己...


回到中学参加嘉年华会... 遇见好多旧同学和学弟学妹... 很庆幸的, 他们都还记得我... 好久没回去了... 筹钱筹了很久才建好的礼堂终于开放使用了... 为了这礼堂我也出了不少力, 始终没机会利用它... 没想象中的大... 但还不错吧... 看见以前的学弟学妹, 发现自己老了... 他们看起来都好年轻哦... 我真的长大了... 回想起几天前一位才认识我一天的朋友说竟然我很依赖家人... 刚开始蛮抗拒他那么说我... 但想想... 他说的没错... 是时候真正成长了... 长大了就要学习独立嘛... 我已不是那个穿着校服等着妈妈接送上下学的小女孩了... 都20岁啦... 在马路横冲直撞的日子都快3年了... 该更成熟了啦... 哈哈... 不可再那么幼稚了吧... 成天在想一堆有的没的... 说一堆只有自己认为很可爱的废话... 但若倩说要变成熟首先必须禁止说自己可爱... 我并不赞成... 成熟的人也可以可爱吧... 哈哈... 看来, 我还是老样子... 一点也不成熟... 慢慢来吧...

orientation + college life

since all my friends r talking bout their orientation + university life recently, i would also want to share a bit bout my orientation... im still studying in taylors (doing degree), so orientation is quite boring for me as i already know everything about the college... hmm... highlight of the 1st day was the pair introduction ... i was grouped with a guy (he's alvin)... at that moment, i tot im very lucky since there r only 3 new guys in my class, haha... anyway the story continued... we introduced each other in front of the class n everything was fine... but when i was walking back to my seat shyu thing came to me n told me that alvin n i were wearing couple shirt... yup, both of us were wearing pink t-shirt ... but please la, dont say that in front of him ma... both of us will b shy ma... aiyoo... n this luoqian keep teasing me... until today, she still laughes at me for the stupid couple shirt incident... anyway, im glad to know alvin... coz he's from St Michael... Koo Ki...

im very happy today

today can be considered as my sis's post birthday celebration... had lunch with family members n hang around here n there for almost the whole afternoon... had a wonderful time being with them... went to pasar malam in the evening n bought some lovely stuff.. =p although i told myself not to buy any accessory at least 6 months (coz i really have a lot at home) , i couldn't stop myself from buying them when i see it... haha... anyway, have to admit that i love to spend my mum's $$... then at nite, after i watched the ATQ interview, i checked my mail... oh, realised that jym actually sent me another msg... wow... i sent him a msg thru friendster last week to show my support n tot that he'll just igmore me... but, he replied me the next day saying that he'll try his best to get into the finals... just 2 lines... short n simple, so i tot that it's just an courteous act that he'll do for his fans... today, a week after he managed to get into the finals, he sent...

for grace =p

About Ian Thorpe During Ian's relatively short career he has broken 22 world records, collected 3 gold and 2 silver medals at his first Olympic Games and 2 gold, 1 silver and 1 bronze at the Athens 2004 Olympic Games to become Australia's greatest ever Olympian. He has won 11 World Championships titles (the most ever), 10 Commonwealth Games gold medals and 9 Pan Pacific titles. In a nutshell, he's a great swimmer!! n quite good looking too... haha...

it's my name

Y Yum A Awkward P Proud L Loud U Unusual Y Young I Ideal

world cup is over

world cup is finally over with italy being the winner... was not so happy with the results... but what to do? henry was injured while zidane was given a red card... anyway, life is a little aimless without world cup... really dunno what to do as i have been staying at home for almost 2 months... im trained to be lazy... have been watching dvd all these while n totally forget about the plans i've made for myself b4 the holiday... tidy up my room... clear all the unwanted stuff from my wardrobe... it's all bullshit to me now... have no mood to do all that... frens have started university... some already gone overseas... some will be going soon... those who stay near me r either busy studying or busy working... the one who i miss the most right now is still in kuala lipis... looking forward to meeting her soon... miss the times when i spent the whole day with her at pharmacy... gossiping about everyone n everything... yup, im talking bout u... the biatchy LLQ ... come back here.....


Jym 庄靖毅 ... 去年就开始注意他了... 但很遗憾的, 他在半决赛里忘词... 所以被淘汰了... 今年再见到他时, 有焕然一新的感觉... 真没想到他会再参加比赛... 相信准备了一年, 今年他应该可做得更好吧... 从初赛一路走来, 他并没让我失望... 所以我一定会继续支持他的... 我也相信他会是一位很棒的歌手... 他舞跳得很好哦, 比所有参赛者都来得强... 广东歌也演绎得蛮好的... 要继续加油哦... all the best~~ 这两位参赛者, 我也蛮喜欢的... Anthony 郑伟康... 声音蛮独特的... 对 音乐的认识很深... 演绎R&B最佳... 他唱的歌确实可打动人心... 就连评判也常称赞他... Andrew 陈世安... 样子酷酷的... 声音沙沙的 ... 有人说他长得像许志安 ... 我倒认为他那磁性的嗓音最像许志安... 哈哈... 大家一起加油哦!! 加油 加油!!

happy birthday!!

H appy B irthday, sis... L ove U U U ~~


特别澄清, 我并没赌球的习惯... 只是太投入了... 至今仍希望英格兰和巴西可以重新比赛... 结果可能有所改变... 哦, 入戏太深... 久久不能抽离球迷的角色... 唯有... RONALDO很棒哦!! 虽然是'丰满'了点, 但手脚还算灵活... 哈哈... RONALDINHO也很厉害!! 样子不怎么样... 球技却不得了... 厉害厉害... 人物 : 法国球员 状况 : 看见巴西队优异的表现不禁拍手叫好!! 对白 : "哦, 射得好!! 太妙了!!" PS: 我也不想买法国球衣, 但这是我唯一找到的女装球衣, 而且穿了蛮好看的... 所以就... 呵呵... 这是自我安慰的自然反应... 别担心, 我并没疯...

我生病了 . 心很痛!

昨天就生病了... 应该是感冒吧... 就喉咙不舒服... 也伤风了... 但是, 为了要全场守住英格兰的球赛, 我只吃了感冒药, 并没吃退烧药... 因为吃了那药会很想睡... 即使我有点发烧的迹象... 我仍然撑着... 我相信这是值得的... 他们一定会赢的... 因为有我的支持... 为什么到最后他们输了??? 为什么?? 谁能告诉我为什么... 到现在还不能接受输球的事实... 太离谱了吧... 他们明明就有机会赢的... 只是裁判瞎了眼... handball也不发penalty... 撞人也不理会... 连我这个运动白痴都看得出有人犯规... 他们是职业的咧... 怎么那么逊... 大笨蛋... 我恨他们... 一群嗜钱如命的饭桶... 拖出去斩首示众吧... 啊... 我快发狂了... 现在什么药也治不好我的病... 我的心好痛... 好痛... 在淌血了吧... 无论如何, 我永远支持英格兰... 他们永远是最最棒的... 小贝永远最帅...