world cup is over

world cup is finally over with italy being the winner... was not so happy with the results... but what to do? henry was injured while zidane was given a red card... anyway, life is a little aimless without world cup... really dunno what to do as i have been staying at home for almost 2 months... im trained to be lazy... have been watching dvd all these while n totally forget about the plans i've made for myself b4 the holiday... tidy up my room... clear all the unwanted stuff from my wardrobe... it's all bullshit to me now... have no mood to do all that...
frens have started university... some already gone overseas... some will be going soon... those who stay near me r either busy studying or busy working...
the one who i miss the most right now is still in kuala lipis... looking forward to meeting her soon... miss the times when i spent the whole day with her at pharmacy... gossiping about everyone n everything... yup, im talking bout u... the biatchy LLQ... come back here... i need u... n i miss u...
college will be starting next wednesday... 3 days of orientation... i just dun understand why orientation takes such a long time? from 9 am till 5 pm... dun think it'll be fun... but it's compulsory... what the... anyway, hope there'll be non ex-taylors students joining the degree program... it'll be more interesting if there r leng cai joining us... im fed up of looking at all the same faces every semester... oh...

to Grace Yap,
my dear fren since primary school... all the best in your future undertakings... will support u always... may your dreams come true soon... no matter what happen over there, remember that u still have us (at least luo qian n me) supporting u... frenz forever ya... will miss u... if u get the chance to meet ian thorpe there, remember to say hi to him on behalf of me... tell him i'll meet him in beijing later in 2008... haha...


~悠~ said…
Thankx.. i'm fine here in Brisbane, by the way, who is Ian Thrope????????

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