jumble sale - Finale

special thanks to geoffrey, amanda, alvin n sis for helping me at my final fundraising project... thanks to everyone who supported me too... eg: my beloved family members, colleagues at Roots, 5+3 members, my DELTA mates, college friends, my yima + gujie, those who attended my fundraising party, those who bought at least something from my stall during the jumble sales... n last but not least raleigh KL... appreciated the physical n moral support from them, especially our mr president: shih chung, mr coordinator: CK, the expedition experts: peiting, vincent, zhi yong, yen jun... plus each n everyone from RIKL... arigato!!!

now i am all set to go for expedition... hmm, not that ready yet actually... still need to pass the swim test, train my stamina n shop for more gears... haha... anyway, i'll be leaving very soon... so call me out for yum cha n chit-chatting session b4 i leave ya...


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