i must leave, must!!

i have made up my mind to resign... i know i have been telling the whole world that im resigning soon but till today im still working at this so-called boutique pr company... now i understand y they name it boutique... coz it's really small... i have just worked here for a month, i know it's pretty short but seriously i cant take it anymore... i am not happy... i hate going to work... i wish im sick everyday...

my boss thinks she's the queen n we r all her slaves... when she wants us to be square.. die die also we have to be square... when she asks us to sit, no one dares to stand... it's more tiring than being in the military loh... n im definitely not a trained puppet... i have my own stand... i can think n act better... i know i deserve better treatment n believe that im capable to contribute more... so after some heart-to-heart chats with various kawan-kawan... i finally decided to leave this silly place even before i found a new job...

by sacrificing $$$ in order to get happiness n freedom is not an issue for me... can u imagine yourself being controlled n inspected at work... u cant check personal emails... u have to fill in a super duper stupid sign-in form to go toilets... the whole team has to go for lunch together so that boss can trun off airconds + lights when every1's not around... u r being warned not to wipe your hands with toilet paper but to bring your own hand towel... u r being asked not to leave office too early even if u have done your job... u r called for meeting at 6.40pm whereas your working hours is from 9 to 6... if u leave earlier than 6.30pm, u have to provide a valid reason... n the queen will not use your writings at all.. she will change the whole thing, maybe keep a few lines of yours n tell u to send it to media n bcc her all emails... if u send to 30 media, u have to bcc her 30 times so that she knows what u have done for the day... i feel that im not needed at all n my work was not appreciated... it's just a waste of time n effort to write an media invite for few hours just to show the boss n she'll change the whole story... why not she hire a secretary who jot down all her speeches... she does not need a pr exec mah...

i still remember that im a pr graduate... when i was an intern, my supervisor send the press release i wrote bulat-bulat to the media... she let me made all the decisions... story angle, writing style, target media... she will not question my ability... she trusts me n allow me to learn from mistakes... now i realise how stupid i am for not going back to my intern company thinking that i should expose myself to other agencies... it's not easy to get nice colleagues, great environment n considerate superior... i should have accepted their offer since the beginning loh...
anyway hope everything is not too late now lah... as the saying: good horse does not eat turn back grass... but if the opportunity is good enough, y not woh? it's totally better to suffer yourself in an environment which does not suit u at all...

so the main point of this post is i need your support to support my decision loh... pls tell me that i should leave now then i will throw my resignation letter at my bosses' face tmr morning n tell her it's her lost for bullying me n under-estimating my ability... luyi is always the best... she is neither a puppet nor a secretary... she is a pr exec...

ps: can rikl hire me as their long term pr officer kah... so it saves me all the hassles to look for jobs... attend interviews... bla bla bla...

ps2: how to write a resignation letter ah? i have no experience lah...


ur situation made me remember The Devil Wears Prada. You must stay strong.

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