crouching tiger, hidden dragon

alex ooi is a fusball world champion... i dont believe that until i google about him... there r actually interviews about him... walau eh... i knew him since my first internship at ROOTS... he's always the garang n cool one... n now being my superior, he always tease me... he leads the team to bully such a nice n cute gal... darn bad rite... really cant believe that he's a world champion... oh gosh...
n nicholas, another bad guy in the team who always bully me, is a taekwondo black belt holder... that's another big-big NEWS... according to his blog, he's the first 12-year-old to get a black belt in Negeri Sembilan... how is that possible? he's fairer than me k... tak mungkin lah... macam mana lelaki yang kelihatan lembik itu adalah black belt holder... ok, i should not bitch about him... or else he'll give me a turning kick... haha...
besides the 2 dudes from my team, we have Astro talent in the company too... OMG... i have quite a number of kung fu panda colleagues around me... dahsyatnya...
gotta ask benjamin, is he a millionaire or a politician...


Anonymous said…
Can I know who are the Astro talents? Gosssssiiiiiip....


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