loads of FUN-raising

since i joined raleigh, i have dedicated all my weekends for them... mum has been complaining that i have less time for her... well, i think im meeting orang raleigh at least once a week... alrite, gotta admit that sometimes i do feel weird if i dont see karlye, christal, president or peiting once a week...

this sunday was my sis's jumble sales at the same old plaza mont kiara... got some sms-es and i think some of the new members thought it was my fundraising... hey all, i have came back from Feb expedition... luying is my sis, n im luyi... ok... she will be going to sabah in sept...
mr. jumble sale rain god was in kl this weekend, n he has once again brought us the RAIN... everything was totally soaked... so we tapau early n went home... sales was ok coz the stall is free of charge...
*saw Rain at Olympics closing ceremony just now... then i was wondering, is our rain-god able to bring me the real Rain... i mean the Korean Rain... but not hujan... hahahaha...

was not able to catch up with 5+3 this weekend... i miss everyone, especially ah yao... we should be meeting up more often, b4 u go back to UK...


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