another weekend with raleigh
every friday, when my colleague asks: what's your plan for this weekend?
my reply will be: im meeting my raleigh frens for bla bla bla... actually i wanna rest at home, it has been a tiring week...
no matter what, my weekend plans will be somehow related to raleigh... hahaha...
the previous friday nite, i had an exyensive RIMM debriefing session with half of the malaysian contingent and a bunch of audience who are very interested in our getting lost n being rescued experiences... then on saturday i helped christal to move house... claimed my free bday meal from GPS... then at nite met up with wei sen who came back from qatar for his convo...
last friday, went to christal's new place for tom yam steam boat... another round of debriefing n story sharing... gossip-ing... karlye bleach-ed hair... exchange pictures... saturday skipped monthly meet but was busy planning for pei ting's birthday surprise...
sunday nite dinner with peiting... our initial plan was 1 person will show up in every 15 minutes... but it was a total failure... 8.15 sis n woon chin... 8.20 vincent... then no1 appear till 8.45... it's christal n her shah alam aunt...
i knew some1 might think the celebration is planned for tmr coz she's supposed to appear at 8... true enough... our very blur sexy-tary messaged me at 9.10 asking: it's tmr rite? *speechless*
karlye n her partner in crime CK arrived at 9.30 and that's all for tonite... the usual bday song + cut cake + more chit-chats...
the mini celebration ended at 10.30... hope pei ting enjoyed the so called birthday surprise... that's the best i could plan... hahahahaah...
Happy Birthday, my fren for 15 years =)