back from BALI

who cares if they know i went to BALI last weekend =P
a memorable farewell trip for sis...

inspired by karlye's convo pix

u can dive in Bali without diving licence, cheh

hey but we got PADI certification k, dont pray pray

justin timberdrake in BALI

he got a sarung too, hehe

super long journey to the volcano
more pictures coming up soon, stay tune =)


Kar Lye said…
why justin got unsur keperempuan-nan like boss wan... wear flower!
~LuLu~ said…
hahaha... coz he's a gay mah...
but guys in bali also wear flower 1 oh...
christal.loh said…
luyi is back to the real luyi...

no more Raleigh luyi... kakakaka....

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