finally he asks

oh well, finally mr supervisor asked why am i leaving...

i told him the truth of coz... u know i always have the guts to tell the truth... no matter how rude it can be...

so i said, coz im angry with mr manager who didn't want to approve my leave... another gal in another department get to take 2 weeks off to visit aussie, im just asking for 2 days, and he was so harsh to me in the emails... i dont see why i cant use 'personal reason' as a reason to apply for leave... every1 has our privacy to reserve what to disclose n what not to...

okay, not only that...

he somehow questioned me n stopped me from attending a meeting that has been scheduled since 2 weeks ago... if he has any problems with me attending the meeting, just let me know... why he has to question me as if im a useless pr exec who dunno anything about pr... u think i want to go meh? i was asked to attend the meeting coz the AE manager couldn't make it... i have no issue at all if i cant attend the meeting lo... since i dont like the client at all...

and so i typed resignation letter n email mr manager right after i came back from the meeting...
so he asked: will u reconsider? of coz NOT...
to be frank, even if u offer higher pay, i also wont stay lo... coz im LUYI... when i realise that the company is not where i should belong to, i have made the decision to leave... life's just too short to waste on things that im not interested in...

ps: i just knew that some1 is getting so much more than me coz she's a good actress... now i know why i fail in the working world, coz im just too lazy to ACT... and im too happy to be LUYI...


Anonymous said…
i think u'r lucky that u can choose to leave, some people might fear that they cant look for another job once they resign, and they cant just be jobless. so they have to endure all the pain.

however, i admire ur guts!
Nicholas C said…
Do what you think is best for you :) Do not be bound by things that would take your life away from you. Good luck ya :)
~LuLu~ said…
kai yee: some1 says im brave, some1 says im irresponsible.. but as long as im happy, who cares what they say =)

nic c: i think u're my ex colleague nicholas chow.. thanks! n all the best to u too...

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