the luck is still there

okay.. i have accepted the part time job yesterday... n today i got a sms from history channel, confirming that they would hire me as their PR rep in malaysia... quite a good deal actually... work from home... higher pay than working in a PR agency... flexible time...

my only concern is, do i still get to go expedition if i accept the offer?

the contract is valid till dec 2010... i know it's really bad on me if i terminate the contract b4 it ends... the opportunity is never easy for a PR practitioner with only 1 year experience... so i would say im really blessed... i guess my parents pray very hard everyday for this to happen.. haha..

sis said: i should work now n do volunteering work later.. as it's not easy to get a job but it's easy to go expedition...
tanes said: i should think what i wanna achieve in 5 n 10 years time.. reality is more important than dream...
christal said: i should consider the terms in the contract b4 making any decisions..
mum said: go for it!
luyi said: i wanna be finacially stable so i can do whatever i like in future without any concerns...

actually i sort of accepted the offer... it's what i really wanna try... true enough, i can go expedition anytime i like... but i wont get this kinda offer everyday... i can still participate in other volunteering work during my spare time...

hope im able to cope with 2 freelance job till jan... so with my salary, i can go HK anytime i like.. yeah... n my online business going on too... yeah, luyi will be rich (tanes said so).. haha... n with the money i earn, i can help more ppl in need...

ps: everytime when i think im super lucky, something bad will happen... i hope history will not repeat... fingers crossed...


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