unexpected interview

karlye passed me a form yesterday... so i filled it up, thinking that it's just the office policy for a new staff, even though im just a part timer...
but today HR called me to bring my resume n certs tmr..
why a temporary receptionist needs to show certs leh? i can sense that something is gonna happen... something that i do not want it to happen...
true enough, the HR manager spoke to me about the interview tmr..
since when i said i need a job? since when i said i wanna apply for a job here?
sei lor.. should i perform as usual tmr or just simply answer their questions?
i dont feel like working yet, but if i dont work, what am i going to do while i settle my life?
i need cash to travel to Uk, japan, n a lot more countries out there..
but hor, working in karlye's office means i have to wear the blue stripey shirt that i hate a lot... i will not do that.. no way...
okay see what happens tomorrow then..
my printer is not working so im unable to print my resume..
so maybe i cant even go for that interview.. so sleep now.. haha..


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