
i will be running 7.7km at the putrajaya nite marathon on 6 feb
shocking news rite? ahahaha
was thinking that the finisher medal would be an awesome 24th birthday present
so i registered with the rest of the raleigh running kakis
but i went jogging this morning
i realised my stamina is really bad :(
cant even finished 1 round of the playground OMG
how am i going to run 7.7km?
i dont wanna die b4 my 24th bday
i need more training, i must jog everyday, for 2 weeks

went meeting with ms r whole day
gained more insights of the channels
excited over the events
im back in pr mode again
loving it
first of all, i need to finish typing the damn book
b4 i could commit more time for the real work
i need 48 hours a day, thanks


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