world water day

had an awesome day talking nonsense with liu sheng.. and taking pictures too.. he's really a great friend to chat with.. cant believe i told him everything between me n HIM.. hmm... shall dig more gossip from him.. haha..
kalai came too (i hope no1 from HT reads my blog, haha) thanks for the snacks! my yummy tea time!
finally met dino after so long.. miss talking to her.. sabah sabah sabah.. mr flabby arms.. KKK.. whatever it is.. i love talking with dino..

the roadshow is nothing. felt cheated. but im happy to have my friends there. to accompany me on a monday afternoon..

ps: i need to get NST (1st march & 22nd march).. send april n may highlights.. start with march report.. gah yau ar madam..


hey.. the photo got copyright..
~LuLu~ said…
too bad i posted before u.. haha
u duplicate my concept... cannot... haha..

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