sing k - pillow talk

i did not sleep on 30th april
went shopping alone at one u to get mayday concert ticket. lunch. n ck's farewell gift. oh also snacks for monthly meet. rush home to get ready for ck's farewell karaoke session. haha

ck's farewell was a blast
we makan-minum-nyanyi-ketawa terbahak-bahak
he's quite emo. think he will miss us a lot. we will miss him too. the very important guy in comm.
sang till 3am. that's a record.
i still have to attend MM the next morning. what a responsible skills officer!

woon chin stayed overnite at my place.
we decided not to sleep as we know we will oversleep. haha.
but we couldn't tahan at 4.30am. so we off the lights. dunno why we started pillow talk. as a result, we're still awake at 630am.
im very shocked when i realise that she's not as blur as i thought. think girls are pretty sensitive when it comes to things like that. haha. girl's instinct mah.
her info was pretty shocking. that's why i couldn't sleep. but thanks to her. im more determined to move on in life. to not day dream about something impossible.
today, woon chin is so not blur. she is so wise. =)


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