happy birthday, pooh!

a last minute plan turned out to be a pleasant nite out for everyone.
especially the alcoholics. haha! madam says: excessive drinking is not good for health.
guess we are all too stressed with life.
we need more entertainment. more friends. more laughter.

thanks to the birthday girl, we got a very good excuse to gather around. to talk craps. to drink. to meet our friends. to do things that we wouldn't dare to do if we ain't together with raleigh-ians.

i enjoyed the nite a lot. thanks to the ppl who came from every corner in klang valley.
it has proven that madam can make good frens with mentakab posers, marathon runners, alcoholics, stalkers, n stand-up comedian wannabe.
just like what i presented in my annual report: Raleigh is where I found friends and family.
I mean true friends =)


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