fabulous reunions!
first round started on wed nite. with drama queen - ai ai, finally soon-to-be engineer - munseng, pan mee fanatic - peiting, loves-emo-ing by the beach - pohkiat.
it was awesomely great to meet them all! the original crew of my kepong gang. minus kangjie who's in melb n weisen in qatar. everyone is pretty much the same. still looking good, chatty n random. haha. lets go melaka!
second round with raleigh sis! our dolphin queen from sebatik. miss u a lot sis. am supposed to hang out with sis n dolphins, but... it's ok. we had a lot of fun with sis' hubby. haha. thanks for the gossips from sabah. thanks for the great nite out! have lots of fun in scotland. see u again 3 weeks later =)
third round with a lot of old frens. ex classmates. yearly gathering, the bbq at aiai's. super awesome gathering. the ppl, the jokes, the memories, catch up, updates, gossips... well, the food is definitely not that important anymore. haha. everyone is as cute as ever. see u guys again, next year perhaps, haha... kepong gang is still the very best! heart them all =)
forth gathering with half 5+3 plus a lot of other ppl. ppl whom i have never spoken to or those whom i just meet once in several years. but it was not too bad to hang out with them. random topics. with a lot of laughter. happily talking to my bff, ah yao! lets do it again in dec! we should have pillow talk during the trip, yay!
famine30 is another round of gathering with the raleigh folks. since im not comm anymore, i dont see them that often. it's pretty fun to work with everyone again. especially my ex colleague archin. dinner after the event was great. the long-time-no-see ppl such as marble, zed, felix, siuhou as well as the beadmakers hwei huih, pipo n the rest brought me the raleigh feel once again. thanks ppl! oh ya thanks for the directions to go back home too. hahaha. me with no sense of direction, as usual..
ps: was super tired after all the parties n hard work over the weekend. need losta rest before i could focus and work on the weekly routine.