third gold from josiah!

malaysia's third gold from my second fav malaysian athlete, josiah ng. i once wished to become his manager. i was so sad when i knew that his fiance (think she's now his wife) is also a pr consultant. so chances of me being is manager is zero. aiksss...
lets hope that my fav malaysian athlete, KKK wins another gold in badminton mixed team!
im a bit regret to ajak yumcha. i might miss the badminton match. how ah??
old town got no tv rite? i shall change the venue to mamak, or my house better.. can bah?
why am i talking to myself here? ok it's time to sleep.
good nite ppl!
ps: im worried about going to the bank. im super idiot in banking. why this happens when my mum is not in the country. god bless me!