
everyone loves public holiday, including myself of coz. but i super dislike the deepavali long weekend this year.

my monthly report couldn't reach spore due to the public holiday. i felt so sorry for joe. hope he'll be able to compile everything when he receives the reports on monday. paiseh ah.
rushed so hard to complete the reports. heaviest parcel to spore so far.
that's the hard work for the past 2 months. im proud!

really hope to take a short break after this.
guess the malacca trip with natalie just come at the right time. im so looking forward to satay celup next weekend! haha.
natalie is samantha's fren whom i met only once when i visited hk early this year.
samantha is the hk gal i met randomly in KK last year while waiting for transport to ranau.
the story is natalie is visiting kl next thurs and we've planned a trip to malacca.
i didnt offer to host her cause im worried i'll still be quite busy at work. n public transport cant be easily accessed near my place. hope she doesnt mind.

another hk fren lucy will be coming over for iw in dec, finally. she'll be coming with jasper. there's so much to share with them. expedition. india. south america. rimm. hk. raleigh. life.
it'll be fun! actually im quite paiseh to meet jasper as i have bothered him a lot (during & after rimm09, haha)

had fun watching lost & found at actor's studio lot 10. thanks to karlye & christal for the company till 4am. from high class food court to yoghurt ice cream to chinese tea to mc d.
we all wanna join RCMM next year. air asia we need your cheap air tix to hk in march. plsss.
and i witness how crazy the traffic at brickfields can be on the eve of deepavali =)


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