one year

a year ago, i visited kampung tampasak, the village where i helped with the kindergarten construction. i met the same kids. the same pak ciks & mak ciks. the same teachers.
i miss playing with the kids at padang. badminton with the teachers (although im a lousy player, haha). cooking sessions with paulina's mum. talking to JKKK's wife. walking around the kampung
im really glad i went back. couldn't make it this year (long story)...
i'll be back, i promise!

akinabalu, another must-visit in KK. it's my home in sabah. it feels so warm that everytime i walk in, the staff remembers me.
not to forget, the raleigh sis from HK. it has been a year, when are we meeting up again?
will be meeting lucy 2 weeks later. it'll be a great raleigh reunion. haha!


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