quarter century old

quarter century sounds very old. but gifts from around the world totally made my day! thanks kawan kawan from KL, HK, Spore, Aussie, UK! love u all!!
not to forget bday lunch with munseng, and movie with shuwoan, archin & arqian. and the 'not-very-surprise' surprise from raleigh mates on monday. terima kasih banyak banyak.

my fav zirafah!
n new nalgene bottle for more backpacking trips

first bday gift, from my BFF
never expect to get present from UK,
but i got 2 mails this year =)

another zirafah from aussie
plus a very nice bday card
peiting has been my fren for 17 years, wow!

red packets from ar qian
each packet consists a mini gift that touches my heart
thanks for the wonderful thought

souvenirs from maggie & joseph
dor je sai ar!

thanks to my colleagues from spore
the cookies are really yummy

gifts from luyi to luyi
o tanjobi omedetou!
bday cards from UK, HK and Aus

thanks to my family and frens. i had a blessed birthday. trying my best to play the role of a 25 year old adult. so far so good, i guess. haha!


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