ohh it's friday again! have been waiting for it since last week.
coz im meeting my primary school dearies tonite! yay!!
there'll be a lot to catch up. anticipating some hot gossips from the gals. haha

it has been a busy week.
reports for sudirman. press release dissemination for mr tycoon. follow up. drafting press release for CI Asia.
being busy makes me feel important and secure. keep the work coming =)
btw end of the month, time to deal with accounts. my least favourite job scope, ahhh

before i forget, gotta get some ice breakers for staff training tmr.
i hope it wont turn out to be another get-to-know luyi session, haha

mae-xi and ming kit are getting married! i thought i'll only get to wear my pretty dress at kelvin's wedding in may. didnt expect i can wear it in march, yay!
it seems like not going to IW is quite a wise decision, i get to attend wedding dinner.
and dr soo will be happy too. he has been telling me the same line every time i visit him: u know u have very sensitive skin, so why do u always go to the jungle?
erm.. im a tough gal mah.. =)


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