
Showing posts from March, 2011


终于明白为什么人家说去NZ要一年时间计划。本来以为安排好一切就可以出发了,谁晓得人算不如天算。经过我的苦苦纠缠还是不能拿到visa,看来除了放弃今年出发,我没有别的选择。 那现在我该怎么重新计划我的世界末日之大计?我曾经很天真地认为2012年从NZ回来后就世界末日了,我永远不需要工作了,哈哈。很白痴但也不错的计划,不是吗?现在的世界那么乱,那么多未知数,就算不是世界末日,有谁保证我们能活到100岁? 幸好,6月至8月的行程没受到影响。可是,我9月开始就失业了啊!我很久没失业了,哈哈。以往每年我都失业一次。但在2009年11月开始我就一直好好工作至今。当全世界的人都认为我会一直做下去,我却宣布失业啦。要回到client那工作也不可能了。除非我下定决心不出国。 其实真的没关系的。我还有很多想做的事,就趁等visa的时间做些特别的事吧。什么是特别的事?就让我再想想吧!加油加油!

finally, andy lau!

yap luying, i really went to see andy lau! the real andy lau!! hahaha... mummy is more excited than me lor. she was standing rite in front of the queue, and she managed to see her super idol rite in front of her eyes. the one n half hours of standing, squeezing, sauna-ing definitely worthed the one second of seeing andy in such a close distance, no? at least it's a YES for my mum. haha. this is what mummy did to 'andy' when she met him 3 years ago in HK =P

what's yours?

my most important decision in 2011 is to go work & travel in NZ. since now tak jadi, i gotta make another decision. which is?? one thing for sure, i need to get more cash. i have found a new dream, which is planned to come true in 5 years time. all the best, luyi =)

first raleigh wedding

the first raleigh wedding for me: ming kit n mae-xi's. it's a sweet n lovely evening for everyone =) now i understand why raleigh couples are worried about announcing their wedding. coz raleigh folks wont leave until their presence gained full attention. haha!

what's next?

when i was happily planning my long awaited taiwan, europe n NZ adventures, i came across the most shocking news of the year. there's no more places for work & travel visa to NZ this year. application will reopen in jan 2012. okay, so what should i do next? i have told my client that im leaving. she has already found a PR agency to replace my role. handover will happen next month. and i cant tell her that i wanna stay coz i'll be traveling from june to aug. someone has to deal with the usual work routine anyways. arghhhh what am i going to do starting sept? 1. part time job till i get the visa (eg any random jobs) 2. get a full time job in another industry (eg wedding planner, production house) 3. work for client in spore n forget about working holiday 4. short term jobs with NGO 5. go expedition 6. work & travel australia 7. join PR agency on contract basis 8. marry a rich guy & be housewife & i dont have to worry about all these issues! why am i a malaysian? t...


3天时间就把这部戏看完,因为开始了就欲罢不能。一如往常,每次看了结局都会把思绪停留在戏里,久久不能释怀。很努力地找幕后花絮,戏里出现的歌曲,演员的资料。很无聊吧。 啊,真的有花田村吗?世界上真的有像任光晞那么样的男生吗?去了台湾才告诉你吧!很期待去台湾逛大学,看花田,还有找偶像剧取景场地,哈哈! 话说回来,为何我那么闲,有时间看偶像剧呢?就趁着 client 去旅行,我也放自己一个短短的假期啦,哈哈!但我还是有乖乖地 reply email, send screener, follow up proposal... 哦还去 renew passport =P 希望星期五有好消息啦。proposal 都 send 了有一星期了,为何没回复?我亲爱的client 也快回国了。加油加油!

discoveries by dr yap

discovery # 1 watching badminton can cause heart attack! case study: a cute girl was watching all england on tv last nite and tonite, she can feel how weak her heart is. she says: "irregular heart beat is scary. it's like you're on a roller coaster ride. then it turns 360 degree and you realise you forgot to put the safety belt on. pheww. im so worried i might just faint and hit my head. oh my gosh, it's very scary." lesson learnt: never watch badminton when your idol is playing. discovery # 2 air asia is just a low cost carrier. it is not a holiday planner. case study: a cute girl will be visiting europe with her lovely sis in summer. her fren in UK, who's also a die hard badminton fans told her, she has gotten tickets to world championship in london. unfortunately the cute girl found out that the championship will start on 8 aug and she's flying back to her beloved country on the same day. WHAT! there's no point wasting the free tickets for prelimina...


地球先生,你好! 你肯定不认识我,我只是寄居在你身上的一个小小小人物。 我知道我的一些同伴很坏,常常不负责任地破坏你的土地,浪费你的资源。 可是我也知道有另一些同伴很努力地保护你,希望你永远健健康康。他们的努力不是为了自己,而是整个地球上的生物,当然包括你。 你不要发脾气了嘛。我那些坏同伴知错了。他们会好好对待你。他们也想好好地活下去。 天灾先生为你出气也够了吧。你可以吩咐天灾先生别再动怒吗?叫他回家可以吗? 不要再伤害无辜的同伴们了。 他们只是小人物,只想快快乐乐和家人过日子。天灾先生毫无预告地破坏他们的家,伤害他们的家人,很不公平吧? 他们有些还是天真可爱的孩子呢!有些则是用心照顾家人的爸爸妈妈爷爷奶奶叔叔伯伯阿姨姐姐。 求求你,息怒啦! 我的同伴会好好爱你的。

happiest news~

finally!!! they are together =) happy x 10000! 如果今天將失去 眼前的一切 剩低清風兩袖也不計 唯獨你一個是不可給取替 是我生命裡的一切

i want this!

where can i get this super cute giraffe scarf? love it so much that i google for it rite after i saw it in the drama but i cant get the same design! both sides different shades hong kong, maybe? haha another reason to visit HK =) finally completed planning for taiwan trip! yay! i spent 2 full days sitting in front of the laptop reading forums, checking other ppl's travelogue, wiki-travel sis must be proud that i manage to handle it alone, haha! last saturday, i dreamt that i visited sis in HK, brought her a lot of food also met sistas from RHK, joined an event together i miss them so so much!

im cute!

einstein said luyi is cute! haha

preview of euro 2011

meeting shon is definitely one of the must do's if he's still in london lah.. visiting yao is compulsory too! taking train to paris meeting hot guys! this probably wont happen since it's summer, haha pardon me, too bored thinking for online marketing plans for new program. i need to de-stress.