
Showing posts from April, 2011

will & kate

will & kate have finally completed the 'fairy-tale' ceremony. they're now husband and wife. another prince & princess story to be admired by millions of young girls. yes i say young girls, coz im not attracted to this kinda wedding anymore. haha. watched a taiwanese program the other day. they discussed about the japanese royal family. super cham lor if u marry a prince. no freedom, no life. u cant even visit your ill mum. that's definitely not my cup of tea. i still wanna explore the world. saw this from FB. frankly speaking, im not interested. i wanna marry a rich lengzai from hong kong. it's ok to not be a princess, i wanna live in HK! =) anyway if my mummy sees this, she'll say: u think u want to marry a prince, the prince will want u meh?

i miss my sis!

we wish to skip may and jump straight to june! then we can fly to taiwan, yay! (that would only happen in our dream) anyway sis is coming back on 21 may. 3 more weeks from now. she'll be surprised to see my 'artwork'. i painted our room. haha. good luck in your finals! good luck to me too. i have new plans now. australia might not happen as im still aiming for NZ. get me a part time job that pays great, pls. since now i have quite a number of random blog readers, i shall consider being a blogger? haha!

'normal' life

im getting back to normal working adult life starting next week. only for 2 weeks though. but that's long enough for a freelancer who has been working from home for the past 1.5 years. cant imagine myself waking up at 8am. put on formal attire. drive 20km. stuck in traffic jam. working in an office with colleagues. that sounds normal to a lot of ppl, but definitely not me. my normal working day would be: wake up around 10am. check emails. if nothing happens, laze in the bed for a bit. start my work at 11am. send weekly highlights. reply media requests. lunch. watch tv. check for online coverage. sounds free & easy. but i have my busy times too. especially during month end. reports can drive me crazy. anyway, this will be my last month working on the channels. i gotta say bye-bye to them soon. i will definitely miss them. still remember how excited i was when i saw the first article about the channel launch. the 4 pages interview. joint promos with blogger. live tv interviews. m...

random yet memorable nite

had a super random night out with arqian and archin. after the initial plan to have desserts at snowflake, we sent archin home. she convinced us to stay back, chit chat, admire the 'so-called-very-nice-puchong' scenery, as usual. didnt expect the conversation took almost 3 hours. again, we talked about the never ending expedition stories. random incident # 1: we gotta transformed ourselves into mushroom to hide from the security guards who chase us off. till now, im not sure do we look like giant mushrooms, or the guards thought we're not human, but something else. coz we never get chase away every time we transformed into mushroom. haha. random incident # 2: after pinjam toilet at chin's place, we were invited to visit her collection of fake food around her house. farm mama appeared out of a sudden and invited us to stay for supper. oh, it's 3am. both farm mama and archin heated up some food. and cooked us more food. ohhhh, gonna exercise more to burn the fats... a...

he's more than a hero

i've started to admire mr lim bo seng since i learnt about his contribution during WWII from mediacorp drama 'price of peace' about 10 years ago. am so glad to be able to watch the drama again recently. i still admire him a lot, until today. and im so so honoured to know that he came from the same kampung as my ancestors in china, yay! am so proud! was reading some articles about him online. he's such a great guy. he fought for the nation. for justice. for the people whom he believed deserve a stable and peaceful country. he left his beloved family, for the people of malaya and singapore. he's the MAN! went to his memorial in Esplanade when i visited spore in 2008. felt so touched. i will make it to his grave in MacRitchie Reservoir Park during my next visit. he reminded me the power of determination. if you believe in what you're doing, go ahead! mr lim is more than a hero, he's my role model! i suddenly thought of what happened to adrian last weekend. if w...

come join raleigh walk!

event: A Small Step with Raleigh, A Big Leap towards Global Citizenship when: 5 june 2011, sunday. 8am - 12pm. world environment day where: start/end point rakan muda club house how much: rm30, to support raleigh kl's administration fees how: contact Shu May at 019 - 254 8278, or email before 31 May why: ensure that more youth from the peninsula will have the opportunity to embark on a life-changing Raleigh expedition

when sejuta impian came true

congratulations to carrot & jia yee! whole day waiting in the studio sounded more acceptable now. at least for me, haha. make great use of the funds. thank you on behalf of the kids. they'll love the books! i must pay tampasak a visit too. i miss the kids. cant remember their names. but im sure spending few days with them is the happiest past time. i miss my kindergarten. i miss paulina n her family. i miss en lugasa's family. i miss the badminton court. i miss the kedai runcit. i miss the coconut tree. i miss the pet monkey. of coz not forgetting the old church hall. the river. the school. when sejuta impian came true, there comes post expedition blue, once again. i wanna get out there, again!

not the same

things have changed since a year ago the feeling, the hype, the excitement everything is no longer the same meeting up seems more like a chore than mere enjoyment why is this happening, you may ask perhaps our vision is different we seek for different goals, different direction there's no right or wrong im glad we're still friends in order to be friends, keeping at a certain distance is compulsory that's it!

幸福, 最晴天

ar chin jia you! you know u can always count on US, whenever u need US. love u always! 你会幸福的!

I'm FINE =)

thanks for the reply! it made my day =) yea everything happens for a reason i believe something better is waiting for me i just need a bit more time to explore miss u so so much, see u in summer!

i have a flexible travel mate, haha

putting the 'ma-fan' future plans aside, i still have a lot to do for my europe trip. draft itinerary is out, now i gotta plan the connecting flights/train/bus and accommodation. on one fine night, i chat with my travel partner, who claims she's a flexible traveler, guess it's bcoz she's too busy n lazy to do anything for the trip. haha. after some conversation with sis and numerous nites of research, i've figured out which mode of transportation n hostels to book. n i booked them right away. when u see the price keep increasing, your heart beat does the same. so without second thought, i clicked BOOK. excited-nya.. haha... here i come!


最近有点悲观。也许是事事不顺吧,难免会想东想西。 脚受伤了,未来大计不成了,被朋友冷落了,工作被抢了,身边又很多是非,总之鸟事一堆。 我并不容许自己这样颓废下去。 叶茹薏不会那么容易被打败的! 我就让自己悲观多一天。晚上看完电影,我就好了。 还有很多更重要的事等着我。 期待6月。夏天来了,好心情也来了! 我要去流浪了!

Without Sun, Without Us

came across an interesting quote in sis' blog. Human is controlled by Sun; Without Sun, Without Us. so true. if there's no sun, we cant differentiate day and nite. we cant dry our clothes. no fun going to the beach. no ikan masin. no sunbathing in expeditions. no free-of-charge alarm clock in sabah. i like sunshine but i dont like extreme heat. like these few days. super hot. cant breathe. my car very kesian. sunbathing everyday.


今天看了《大学生了没》才知道原来杰弟来自单亲家庭。他爸常上节目,他也一直表现一副幸福小孩的样子。我以为因为他家境好所以品学兼优,可以念上台大,舞蹈又那么厉害。原来我错了。他自从一岁生日后就没有一家人一起陪他庆生了。 过后陶子姐问现场到底有多少个单亲家庭的小孩,原来可乐和小胖也是。还有其它很多平时很乐观开朗的大学生。他们表现开朗,因为他们比别人更珍惜幸福。 我有种恍然大悟的感觉。原来很多事情不能只看表面。也不能一直执著下去。也许我该豁达一点。 杰弟加油!