i'll be back in a week

am leaving to HK to visit my sis. and the extended raleigh family. looking forward to the sushi dinner with all of them. it's really cool coz i'll be meeting some good frens from KL too, including my kepong gang kaki! 

will be joining AW over the weekend. then visit some HK frens. eat more food. buy some warm clothing for NZ. lepak a bit. and of coz spend time with my sis. i'll be in NZ for the next 6 months while she'll be in costa rica. guess that's the furthest distance between us since we're born. i'll surely miss her loads. 

no one ever believe how much i treasure sisterhood (yes i hate my sis when i was much younger, coz she copied whatever i did). but this trip is really for her =) 

see you people next wed! 


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