im moving to ashburton

decision was made 3 days ago. am following dai lou's car this thursday as he needs to extend his visa in christchurch. didnt expect the whole gang is going together. just thought me and jen will tumpang his car to christchurch then we'll take bus to ashburton. called the office, 99% there's job for us. so it's time to leave blenheim. grape harvesting is ending soon anyway. 

not easy to travel with 2 guys though. they're way too easy-going. every question i ask, the answer will be see how later lor, or i'll follow edward. please lah, you guys are adults, please make decision! sometimes i really feel like slapping them. 

but it's so much easier to travel in car. and since they follow my plan, i have the final say on where to stop. so we'll be stopping by kaikoura tomorrow and akoroa on sunday! and they are quite nice to me lah. they cook super yummy food for me everyday, super like the sweet and sour chicken. haha. 

last day at work. i'll miss harvesting with chin ling
will definitely visit her in JB

and finally i met sow chan!
although we're not very close friends back home, 
im glad we took the effort to catch up
felt so warm after chatting with her, discussing about our 'future'
see you again, hopefully in north island!


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