2 months in NZ

BBQ area at tinwald domain
am enjoying my stay here
met lots of people with interesting stories to share

my french driver Thomas
sent him to the hospital on monday nite, he injured his fingers at work
my first time admitting someone to the hospital
was so worried. i nearly cry when the doctor poke to needle into his nail
according to him i had a fight with the doctor because of him, so he's very touched
and we become very good frens now
that's not a fight la, but the doctor is rude
i just did what i should do for my friend

thomas and his fren peter
i have a bunch of new frens from france after the fight with korean crazy man
i should learn french, so i could communicate with them =)

gimma and lauren
my first friends in ashburton
they invited me to play soccer on my first day
very adorable twin sisters 

everyone says ashburton is a boring place. but i enjoy my stay here more than blenheim. i enjoy cooking at the kitchen. listening to the conversation among the british, french and germans. hitch hiking to town. visiting the second hand shop. and looking at all the leng zais, haha. there are a lot of good looking guys here. shall bring ai ai along, haha! 


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