i got the job! after 2 interviews

after working at potato farm for 3 days. i seriously cant stand the cold weather. it's super freaking cold from morning till evening. and i dont understand why we need to start work at 6am. it's too dark to even view the potatoes clearly. the only happy factor working there is the super yummylicous looking german guy. and we stay at the same holiday park. so i can see him day and night, haha! 

hitch hike twice today to go  for job interview at Talley's. (will blog about our hitch hike experience later). this is our second time going for interview there. guess they wanna test our determination in getting the job =P the interview was a proper one. asking me my 1 year plan and 5 years plan. took about an hour. i have no idea why hiring factory worker also need such a detailed interview. the job scope is just to inspect the quality of fries. 

the good news is, we got the job offer. long term job for the next 2 months. the problem is how are we getting to work? takkan we hitch hike everyday. 

i need a boyfriend who owns a car. right now. 


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