rest in peace

we lost four of our colleagues in a car crash 2 days ago. one of the five who involved in the accident is still in hospital fighting for life. i know four of them, out of the five. 

the only survivor, Ben is working in the same cafe as me. we see each other everyday as we live in the same hostel too. i still remember once i told him, hey we see each other too frequent, every day and night i'll see you. i regret saying that. Ben, i wish i can see you everyday. Ben, keep on fighting. you have all our support from happy valley. 

Luciano, only 19 this year is my first friend in national park village. he sat next to me when we took the bus from turangi to national park. we stayed at howard's lodge for 2 nights. we had pasta every dinner until we get to go grocery shopping. he's such a nice guy. i had so much fun working with him in the caravan. can't believe that's my last encounter with him. Lucho, i miss you so so much. your smile always brighten my day.

german and nicolas, i always see them around in the cafe. they're very nice and friendly. always smiling. and augustin, i don't know him personally but i'm sure i've seen him before. everyone on the mountain was shocked and saddened by the sudden news. but life has to go on. everyone's still working as usual, despite being emotional on thursday evening (at the memorial). life is so fragile. that's the lesson we learnt.

rest in peace, guys.


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