pray for snow

it has been a roller coaster week for everyone on the mountain. we got an email from management announcing that they'll retrench some staff coz there's not much business recently. then mt tongariro erupted on tues morning (no worries it's 20km away from where i am, im definitely safe here). then weather became crappy for a few days. and it was sunny last 2 days. such a dramatic change. 

the first question we get whenever we meet our colleagues from other departments will be: are you safe? everyone is so worried. especially the Asian gang. it's so unfair that 4 out of 6 Asians from F&B are being asked to change to part time staff. reasons being they aren't coffee maker or their contract started late. seriously bull shit la. we requested to go for coffee training but they didn't send us. they sent those whom they believe can 'communicate well' in english. that's just so racist! 

erin started 2 weeks later than us simply becoz she's asked to come in on that certain date. if you have no confidence in Asians, please dont hire us. please don't expect all tourists to be able to converse in GOOD ENGLISH! that really irritated me. although im not affected (yet) i feel really unfair for my friends. if the manager ever talks to me about this issue, i'll surely question him why can he be so racist. 

anyway, it starts to snow today. hopefully more snow will bring more customers. then all of us can stay longer on the mountain. i might not stay till end season. i really enjoy snowboarding but there's a lot more to do in NZ! oh ya, it's time to extend my working holiday visa. i wanna stay longer in the mehmeh land =)


LLQ said…
noooooooo come home noooooow!

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