leaving kiwi-land in 9 days
it's almost 8 months since i arrived in NZ. ups and downs. south to north. yes or no. lots of decision making. and i learnt to take care of myself, that includes getting accommodation, securing a job, planning daily meals, budgeting my expenses, laundry and grocery shopping etc. that's tough! really tough!
back to south island
simply love south island more than north
wish i could meet the folks in ashburton
but everyone has moved on with new plans
oamaru is one of my fav towns
nice victorian buildings, art galleries, and cute penguins!
and the new frens i made here =)
wish i get to explore the world before
im too old or unfit to climb over fences,
walk 6km on icy grounds,
skydive from 15000ft
i'll be back, new zealand!