
Showing posts from December, 2013

my year end break

shopping with mummy and sheng in KL something i dont usually do  am glad i didnt get lost in KL, LOL   visited primary school teacher in melaka with peiting spent a day with her. recollecting good old memories  met up with primary school BFF gang for a catch up cum new year dinner cheers to our friendship!  cheers to prince charming! cheers to dreams come true!  2013, you have been great, but can be better looking forward to 2014 =D

Merry Christmas!

  christmas started with pot luck in office.  secret santa was totally someone unexpected.  got a very lousy present. but that's ok it was a great celebration with colleagues :) party with raleigh folks on xmas eve catching up with old frens is the most awesome way to celebrate this special occasion :)  and my year end break started right after christmas, though it's just 5 days, im contented! 

i am aquarius

水瓶座的人開朗活潑、自信敏捷,但也會像小孩般地粗魯、沒耐性。他們的反應非常快,對別人慢吞吞的動作很不耐煩;加上天生手腳靈敏,所以如果有人技巧不夠好、搞砸了某件任務,他們就會非常生氣。由於容忍度很低,一旦惱火起來,就會立刻發作,反唇相譏,向對方盡情地冷嘲熱諷,所以沒事最好不要去惹水瓶座。 can i show this to my boss? it's in my blood. i just cant accept stupid n slow people. not that i like to scream at part-timers. they are just not up to my standard. kthxbai. 


说实话是我的优点,也是缺点。 我绝对是不吐不快的人,哪怕会得罪他人。 我相信有话直说总比耿耿于怀来得痛快。 今天我又说实话了。 在那么重要的日子我必须诚实。我不想将来后悔。 我相信你说的,也祝福你一切安好。 希望合作愉快。不好的事通通远离我们。 新的一年,我们会更好!


  那么快,就十年了 原本以为十年之约会在很久很久以后才实现 当年我们还很天真地说十年后我们会带着各自的小孩旧地重游 转眼间就到了 除了邻居结了婚,其他人依然单身,哈哈 很庆幸我们依然纯真,友情依然稳固 感谢你们很认真的实现了十年之约 下个十年,我们再去动物园吧! 人生里有一群时时刻刻守护着自己的好朋友真的很幸福 :)

this is an unfair game

whatever it is, whoever you are, i dont really care. i wont succumb to the pressure. i have the right to express my thoughts, my feelings. so feel free to complain about me. those who have worked with me will surely know my work standards.  to that person up there, there is no way to blame me for the things that i didnt do wrong. i will not say sorry coz it's not my fault. if you do not trust me, please dont ask for my help anymore. that's what i wanna say.  lesson learnt: do not trust anyone unless they trust you too. anyway, thanks for the companionship, 3 in 1, it's awesome to be with u guys. 


很多人都说我不应该回来。 也有很多人说,玩够了,是时候好好拼事业,找个好人家嫁吧。 不管别人说什么,尽管有多少不舍,多少紧张,多少担心,多或少压力,我就是回来了。 就这样一年了。经历了人家的冷言冷语和过度关心。还有找工作的辛酸。 终于找到了喜欢的工作。认识了志同道合的同事。一起欢笑,一起拼搏。 其实回来也没有什么不好。 可以脚踏实地,重新开始,又可以和家人在一起。 知足就会常乐。我珍惜我所拥有的。期待我所期待的。 出走随时都可以。但有些机会一旦错过,就没有了。   一年前我回来了,不后悔。


我是超级大白痴。竟然对老板发脾气。幸好他大人有大量,不和小朋友计较。感恩。 真的很对不起。我答应你,没有下一次。 你永远是最好人,最帅的老板!   sorry boss :(

Just being me :)

水瓶座就是喜歡自由、不受拘束,有時希望背起行囊環遊世界,希望用手中的相機記錄每一個地方,但有時很希望能有一個人陪伴著自己,疲憊的時候不需要太多的語言,只要一個擁抱就已足夠。水瓶座有點小自戀,很懶,愛宅在家裡,不到迫不得已都不會去做很急的事。   stay happy. stay strong. stay positive!

after 1 month of planning

i am so proud for being part of the CSR program even though a lot of things were out of my expectation i tried my best. and my boss said so long im sincere then everything is fine good job, luyi!