
Showing posts from January, 2006

happy chinese new year!!

新年快乐... 染了一头紫红色的头发... 所谓红运当头嘛... 哈哈... 希望新的一年, 一切顺顺利利... 大家要风得风要雨得雨...


Lulu, your true color is Brown ! You're brown , a credible, stable color that's reminiscent of fine wood, rich leather, and wistful melancholy. Most likely, you're a logical, practical person ruled more by your head than your heart. With your inquisitive mind and insatiable curiosity, you're probably a great problem solver. And you always gather all of the facts before coming to a timely, informed decision. Easily intrigued, you're constantly finding new ways to challenge your mind, whether it's by reading the newspaper, playing a trivia game, or composing a piece of music. Brown is an impartial, neutral color, which means you tend to see the difference between fact and opinion easily and are open to many points of view. Trustworthy and steady, you really are a brown at heart. 其实我蛮喜欢心理测验的... 有时候测验的结果很准... 有时候的结果只能供参考, 玩玩就算... 曾经想过要当个心理医生... 除了可以更了解自己... 也可以了解别人... 但, 像我那么八卦的人... 要是当心理医生... 压力一定很大... 因为要为病人守秘密... 对我而言, 很高难度... 哈哈...


身为一个学生, 最重要的不是把学业搞好吗? 为什么那么多人还有多余的时间和心机和男女朋友约会呢?? 其实约会倒还好啦... 就是不明白为何现今社会的人们, 可以很轻易地堕入爱河, 然后愿意把一切的心机付与一个不值得喜欢的对象? 明明知道不可能, 还是认为奇迹会出现? 也许我并没有恋爱的经验, 所以我不清楚恋爱所带来的喜怒哀乐... 可是, 我很满意现在的生活... 恋爱对我来说是生活的另一个bonus... 有或没有... 我都过得很好... 还是认为, 我应该好好念书... 有知己朋友... 家人在身边... 不是足够了吗... 一定要有爱情才算圆满... 我并不认为... 每一个少女都曾经为自己编织一个比白雪公主, 灰姑娘等故事更美好的童话世界... 但幻想归幻想... 现实归现实... 世上又会有多少个白雪公主和灰姑娘呢? 看见身边的朋友为了爱情付出了好多... 甚至可以违背原则, 做出一些自己一直以来都认为不该做的事... 最后得到的是一身的伤痕... 那值得吗? 那些爱得痴缠的人也许会认为我说这番言论是因为我没爱过... 所以并不明白爱情... 爱情就是需要不断付出... 就算浑身是伤... 那也无话可说... 就重要的是曾经狠狠爱一场... 可是, 身为一个明智的人... 为何要不断地伤害自己呢? 可以好好地生活... 为什么还要自寻烦恼... 这世上没有任何人会因为失去了谁而活不了... 你为了喜欢的人受了一身的伤... 可是他并不在乎... 那又何苦呢? (我并没有在针对任何人, 纯粹是我个人的意见) 每一个人, 应该为自己而活... 活得精彩... 活得快乐... 那才是活着的意义... **在这祝福那些谈着恋爱的朋友永远幸福... 更祝福那些还没谈恋爱的朋友, 好好享受单身生活吧... 每一刻都过得很棒, 很快乐... 加油哦!!**

my 20th bird-day is coming soon

Is your birthday day 9 of the month? Your Life You often have problem in promoting yourself, just because you don't know how to express your true self. On the other hand, you don't really care what people think. This is why people misunderstand you until they really get the chance to learn about your pleasant personality. Opposite sex find you mysterious and worth searching. Your wit is remarkable but sometimes you are too fast to follow. Your Love You won't reveal your feeling even after dreaming about the same guy overand over. Your first love lasts forever. You are responsible to the feeling of your lover. The chance to betray your lover is none. You have luck with children. **this post is also a reminder to all people i know that my birthday is coming soon... i will be turning 20 on 9th february... in just less than a month's time, im no longer a teen... is it a good news or bad news?? haha**


今晚是我偶像五月天MAYDAY在大马的演唱会... 一直都梦寐以求出席他们的演唱会... 但, 我并没买票入场观赏他们的演出... 总认为大马演唱会的素质没台湾好... 气氛也比台湾差... 还是多存些钱到台湾观赏吧... 好想看看五月天在万人演唱会上的魅力... 一定超high的...


好久没用华语写blog了... 是时候磨练磨练... 现在的人都认为华语很重要... 所以呐, 身为一个会说华语... 会以华文书写... 华语造诣还过得去的正中华人... 我好骄傲哦... 哈哈... college里一堆的香蕉人... 原本都以为自己好了不起... 英文都一极棒... 嘿嘿, 但现在华语在商场上扮演着日渐重要的角色... 他们只好马上转态... 说要去学中文... 哈哈... 蛮可笑的... 算啦, 不讲别人啦... 读了政豪的随笔... 我深受同感... 前两个月的实习... 我的工作得每天早上阅读至少一份中文报... 我也发现近来的报章不是说谁自杀... 就是谁被杀... 每天看着一大堆杀来杀去的案件... 我渐渐地不喜欢看报章了... 觉得这世界除了这些残酷的事件... 真的没其他的事好报导了吗?? 突然觉得这世界好悲哀... 没快乐的事发生吗?? 我不喜欢看见那么多不好的事情发生... 但我又能如何改变这现象呢?? 不晓得... 希望这世上的每一个人都能获得幸福与快乐... 那应该可以减少不幸的事件发生吧... 实习过去了... 又是好好念书的时间... 念完这学期就毕业了... 但只是diploma... 我一向认为自己是念书的料... 当然会选择继续深造... 但该到哪儿念呢?? 真的好难抉择... 一心想到国外闯一闯... 可是, 又担心父母的负担会因为我的坚持而加重不少... 我一直都认为... 父母把我带到这世上... 当然必须好好养我... 我所有的要求也必须替我完成... 现在长大了... 我下个月就过20岁生日了吖... 也不能再任性啦... 我总不能因为自己想出国念书, 而搞得一家人为我操心吧... 有些事, 就是没有完美的解决方案... 必须有少少的遗憾... 那才是人生... 好会自我安慰哦... 哈哈... 除了出国, 我也有考虑在东马念书... 到那儿, 必须搭飞机... 又离家蛮远的... 蛮像在国外的感觉... 而且那里有几所不错的大学... 5月就毕业了... 爸爸叫我好好想一想自己心里最希望到那儿念... 告诉他, 好让他为我准备准备... 其实, 我现在真的还没想清楚... 我也不知道自己想怎样... 船到桥头真的会自然变直吗?? 哈哈...

more lovely pix

~ROOTS is da best~ ~leejing... my maggimee sifu~ i look so serious in the pix... haha... i really worked hard, k... i miss all of u ~cool~ alex did some photoshop on the pix n i look so ediot!! this is yuuki in kimono during new year's celebration... tottemo kirei desu ne!! akemashite omedetou!! merry christmas 2005 ~~frenz foreva~~ happy 2006 enjoy the pictures... luoqian, im lazy to think what to write... i hope these pretty pix may satisfy u... haha... i know u miss me... anyway, im going back to college in 2 days time... time to study again... i miss my classmates... mels (laiwong + wonglai)... amy... peimei... luoqian... cece... chingy... n a lot more...

life @ ROOTS

~luyi @ roots~ ~ 3/4 of the ROOTS family ~ ~media team~ ~lenglui supervisor * yeeling~ my boss * ms koon + leejing the super nice boss who always belanja me lunch * thien eu thien chieh... i can join Roots becoz he said yes... =p my favourite place @ roots * the pantry more pictures will be uploaded soon... luoqian, my pics are nice too... haha... will be going back to roots tomolo to get my evaluation report... they won't fail me, rite... haha...

happy 2006!!

happy new year to everyone... yeah... it's another brand new year... lots of wishes n lots of dreams... awaiting to be fulfilled... i always believe that a dream is not merely a dream if u have put effort in it... lets try our very best to achieve all the goals in life in this new year... be positive... if u think u can, u can... yeah~~ may everyone has a blessed new year~~