
Showing posts from November, 2008

tabur - SPCA - sooka - zoo

超忙的一个周末 =) 星期六一早和 pei ting 去 bukit tabur... 目的是为了减肥... haha... 和 maybe 为 Mountain Marathon 锻炼 stamina... 好久没运动了... 只走了一下子就很喘气... 真没用... 流了一身汗... feel 到 mucles pain... 感觉自己真的很运动了很多... 很健康... hahahaha... 过后, 去 SPCA 探望正在那里 PIW 的 Bravo... 只逗留了一会儿就离开了... coz im not an animal lover =p anyway, 有几只猫很可爱啦... 吃了 lunch 就准备去 sooka sentral... 有预感那将会是一个很长的 comm meet... 一切还 ok 直到president announce 了一项 bad news... 气氛有点僵... 大家变得好安静... 希望 president 的前途一切顺利啦... coz 他年纪都不小了, 不可以再这样下去 loh... 虽然我们时常欺负他, 但都是逗他而已... 其实他对很多 raleigh KL 的人来说一直扮演着很重要的角色... 没有他, 也许 regional conference 就不会成功... 懒惰的 PR officer 不会用功把 press release 写好... 虽然他很啰嗦, 但那是因为他老了 =) 还有他要提醒我们把事情做好... so, we love you mr president... 和大家吃了 dinner 才回家... 一天就那么过去了... 玩了一天, 很累!! 星期日一大早就得起床... 我又迟到了... 很讨厌... sorry peiting... sorry vincent... the carrot seller =p

Regional Conference-ed



翻看以前的 post... 发现我的 blog 来了个说话比我毒的来客... 到底那是谁呢?


最近还发生蛮多事的... 想过回去念书... 那就可以避开公司里讨人厌的人与事... 可是仔细想想世界每一个角落都有我看不顺眼或看我不顺眼的人... 除非去无人岛, 不然去到那里我都会面对烦人的人事关系... 想过退出 raleigh committee... 那就不需要烦一堆我很想做, 但没时间完成的事... 我很想为 raleigh 付出更多... 但我真的累了... 觉得对不起 president, 可是人生里还有很多事情需要我操心... 很抱歉, raleigh 不是我生命的 top priority... 换个角度想: 那不是在逃避吗... 为了对自己负责任... 对关心我的人负责任... 我不可以那么任性... 一直逃避问题... 不爽就辞职... 那么我什么时候才可以存够钱去 UK 找 xiao yao... 和 5+3 去 japan... 有时候会问自己: 为何我那么介意别人怎么看我... 我不能控制人家的想法... 只要自己开心又不伤害人那就 OK 了嘛... 为什么我总是为说过的话和做过的事耿耿于怀... so, 以后我只要在说话前想个5秒再开口... 应该可以避免说错话吧... 我知道我讲话很直... 有些人说我很毒... 我以为和我熟的人明白那是我说话的方式... 我并没有恶意... 可是, 往往说的人无意... 听的人却会错意... 小心说话 认真工作 开心过日子 这是我对2009年的展望... 加油哦!!!


大家看了我之前的 post 都在想: 可爱的 luyi 到底发生什么事啦? 别担心... 我还好... 我又长大了一点点啦... haha... 本来打算把一切往肚里吞就算了... 还是老妈有本事... 一眼就发现我心情不好... 一下子就搞定我把事情的来拢去脉告诉她... 说了出来, 感觉好多了... 不再耿耿于怀... 人家不理我... 我就识趣些自己找节目咯... 只要他们不影响到我的工作... 管他们在背后怎么说我... 妈妈常: 说无论一个人有多坏, 他还是有知心的朋友... 相反的, 无论一个人有多好, 还是有人讨厌他... 所以呢, 做人必须看开一点才会过得快乐... 我没事了... 真的... 多谢大家的关心... 有你们在我身边, 我会永远快快乐乐的...

something's wrong

i can sense that something's wrong but not really sure what went wrong... hope it is not what i thought... pray for the best... 一直相信自己会很坚强的 无论发生什么事 都会好好地待下去 不可轻易离开 这是我对很多人的承诺


Dear frens, i am confirmed already!!! hahahah... quite happy loh... thought they'll extend my probation since the client complained about my writing skills... after the appraisal, alex asked me: do u think you are confirmed now? i was like... hmm... should i say yes... but i dare not to loh... haha... had a long long chat with alex n benjamin... it was quite a fruitful chat... got everything settled... the last time we had a heart-to-heart chat was after the clive / stuff networking party... they were both quite drunk... so on the way home, we got the opprotunity to talk about all the little things which i always wanted to ask... they answered all my questions n advice me the dos n donts... really appreciated the sincere chat with both the seniors... alchohol plays an important role sometimes though... haha... alright, confirmed now... cant simply resign... it's not easy to get a job at the moment... sometimes i do have the urge to just leave n get a new job... but i undertsand...

it's sunday

something traumatized me yesterday... i dreamt about rosanne (my client from singapore who complained about me) chasing me for PR plans for Photos for the Future... OMG... i dont dare to open my eyes at that moment loh... i will definitely faint to see her in fromt my eyes... then she asked me, hey where's the PR plan? i want it now... super scary-nya... i must be very stressed loh... 做梦也梦见工作... 有够可怜的... FYI, Photos for the Future is a community initiative by The History Channel to preserve history... for ppl who love taking pictures, it's a super great news coz you may submit pictures with historical significance to starting from 10 Nov... if your story is interesting enough, you'll get to see your story on air (Astro channel 555)... the pictures will also be exhibited sometime in feb next year... share the past with the future... come join Photos for the Future... mari mari... 来来来... my sunday ended with having farewell dinner with wei sen who is going to ...