
Showing posts from April, 2013

today is a good good day

everything went on smoothly today. too many good news. overjoyed. get-what-i-wanted. so i must blog about it. a happy day to remember =)  no need to deal with media buy, yay. top 10 finalists confirmed. new features introduced in voting & sharing systems (my programmer is quite geng, make me feel like meeting him, wonder how he looks like). get the free sample (it's a cool gadget!). copywriter surrendered to my cute sunny smile, haha. got my 3-days leave approved. finally spoke to the new lengzai colleague. went shopping after work. oh and the outing on labour day seems fun!  lets hope tomorrow is also a good day! 

a challenging week leads to a happy weekend

lots of black face from digital team. and very mean comments too. server down on the second day of photo contest, what a crisis management crash course. more troubleshooting for the microsite. working closely with programmer via whatsapp day & night. colleagues emo. and etc.  had been looking forward to enjoying my weekend. and yes, i had so much fun shopping. hahahaha. getting my first pay after being unemployed for 5 months. it's surely something worth celebrating. i love weekends! waking up at 11am. brunch with mummy. shopping with frens. dinner. continue to shop. supper. cant wait for  the next weekend! 

congratulations, mel!

  mel and shaun are finally married! they have been together for 10 years  one of my very few close friends in college carpool mate, assignment team mate &  the most angelic girl i have ever met the kindest, softest, most gentle person who never fail to please everyone may both of you get all the happiness in the world mel, you definitely deserve that!


第一次有那么多同事。第一次要面对那么多不同的部门。第一次决定要和同事打好关系,因为找到自己的党,真的对工作很有帮助。 我自己也没想到我竟然会走讨好同事路线。没办法,人在江湖身不由己啊!花一点点钱,可以让同事开心,拉近彼此的距离,工作上得到很多的方便,这小钱花得很值得。 一个月了,开始摸清部门与部门间合作的模式,也知道谁和谁好相处,谁又和谁不妥,谁不可以得罪,谁超好人。自从被两个部门的主管狠狠的下马威之后,我学聪明了。不再随便被人欺负。开始建立自己的党羽。继续努力中!


星期三和同事一起吃午餐后,肚子就开始不舒服。下班回到家发现自己发烧了。晚餐也没吃就睡着了。折腾了一晚,烧退了,但肚子还是好痛。经理小姐今天有活动不会进公司,所以我不能请假,而且project很赶。 原本以为回公司把重要的事情处理好就可以回家休息,但可怜的我竟然被designer摆了一道,忙了半天,电话响个不停,工作没完没了。同组的同事看我脸色苍白都一直叫我回家,可是如果我回家,那工作怎么办?硬着头皮撑到下班时间总算把该做的都做完了。 今天让我看尽人情冷暖。非常感谢同组的同事,他们都很好人。知道designer没来,就给了我一堆建议,好让我可以准时交货。发现我不舒服,一直问候我的情况,叫我回家休息,告诉我工作不比身体重要。尤其是Ben知道我没吃午餐,和我说了很窝心的话。真的很庆幸有他们的支持。我才有勇气面对一群牛鬼蛇神。 才13天就生病了。我真的老了。还是工作压力太大?不管什么原因,我是不会那么容易被打倒的! 等我病好了,坏人们你们就惨啦!

i miss u

  not just you, but you too =)  when can i... admire your stunts on the hills borrow salt, oil, pepper, broccoli from you dinner & chit chat & DRINK missing everyone at RAL i miss winter! and NZ!


今天超鸟的。无端端被别组的经理质疑我的理解能力。竟然在解释了EDM的制作过程后,大庭广众问我用什么语言我才能明白他说的东西。还问我几岁了。严重感觉到我的智慧被他屈辱。超不爽的。我不出声,不到表我好欺负。我只是不想再刚入职就那么高调。笨蛋,矮冬瓜,自以为是的香蕉人!原本以为他是好人,没想到他那么白目!我决定了,我不要和他说话! 和经理小姐投诉。她也明白香蕉经理很自以为是,以为全世界他的IT知识最厉害。然后,经理小姐说今天是9413日,九死一生啊,所以受点鸟气就算了吧。也对,有道理。算啦!本小姐不跟香蕉计较。 原来,同组有两个同事都是今天生日。有好好吃的蛋糕。总算有件好事让我释怀。   desserts make me insanely happy =D looking forward to the next desserts quest in yuen long tomorrow is a new day! yay!


  一个月前,我还在我最爱的香港 参加山头霸王,到处找朋友吃饭, 时间真的过得很快 一个月了,脑海里还一直重播比赛时的片段 赶快回到现实吧 有时候在想 虽然在NZ打的工都靠劳力,一天站10小时,脚都肿了 也必须自己打点很多东西 但过得很自在 现在回到专业领域工作,表面风光 但必须看人脸色,学习办公室政治游戏 我这一次又可以忍多久呢? 幸好我够好胜!


  原本的五月天演唱会变成老歌练唱会  发现原来我们都不小了,哈哈 新同事分享会为了让大家更了解我目前的社交圈 八卦交换会讨论了戴立仁、费翔、陈妍希、陈乔恩和古天乐 唱K配甜品和小吃真的很屌 下班后出去玩是我不常做的事 但今晚玩得好快乐,谢谢大家捧场 不知不觉我工作了9天 一切还可以,希望会更好