
Showing posts from November, 2005

OSIM Roadshow

I am not supposed to work on saturday... but since the company is short handed... n i have no reason to say NO... so i went for it... it's held at Puchong I0I Mall... on 26 Nov 2005... the crowd was not encouraging at the beginning... it's hard to get passerby to take part in the games... but during the colouring contest in the afternoon... oops... so so many people wanted to participate... n i have to salute to those young kids... they are great... they brought their own table... colouring material... some even have a screw driver to add effects on their art work... there were too many participants n we have to extend the number of contestant from 15 to 21... there were still lots of people begging me to let their children participate... then we extend again... from 21 to 27... n it's the final... sorry to those who came late... i met a cute little boy during the event... he is DION LIM... so so cute... he likes batman a lot... his sister, ABBY is cute too... she can spea...

AXN Kung Fu Hustle Ground Event

this is the second event i attended... at One Utama Shopping Centre... on 25 Nov 2005... it's an event to promote the premiere of Kung Fu Hustle on AXN... AXN is screening the movie on TV for the first time in ASIA... lots of games were held according to the stunts taken from the movie... such as the lion roar... the battle of dragon... the walk to heaven... im not a fans of stehpen chow, so i have not watched the movie... but i enjoyed the games... xiao you n yee foong came to support me too... haha... so happy to meet them there... it has been a long long time since i met them...

OSIM Winners Announcement

im so tired everyday... so im lazy to update the blog... anyway, here are some pictures taken during the events i attended... this is the first event i attended... at OSIM office... on 17 Nov 2005... great experience... met some of the journalist who i called few times a day to 'beg' them attend the event... some of them recognise me too... haha... perhaps im too 'long winded' while convincing them to cover the event... anyway, it's a good start... as i meet more people, i gain more... now im still learning how to deal with the media... some of them are really harsh to me... anyway, there are still people who are very nice and friendly... every time i call them, they will not hesitate to respond to my require... thanks to them...

Happy Birthday

nothing much to say, just wan to wish my dearest fren, YEE FOONG to enjoy a wonderful 18th birthday... dear, may all your dreams come true soon... best of luck in whatever u do...

2 weeks..

wow, it has been 2 weeks since i started the internship... time files as it always be... working is a tiring job... though i have not much work to deal with, i will be extremely tired at end of the day... everyday after working hours, the only thing i wish to do is to have a good sleep... i jus wan to sleep... n i hate to wake up... i hate to look at the clock as well... when i realise that it's already 7.30... time prepare for work... i'll be totally annoyed... aih... OR i should say working is tough for people like me... who is lazy... love freedom... like to watch TV all the time... too talkative... cant stay at a place for long (hyper active)... ALRIGHT ... after all the complaints, i would like to say... no matter how i hate to wake up early in the morning... hate to stay in the terrible traffic jam... hate to work with an indian lady who is more lazy than me... hate to walk to the carpark under the rain... i LIKE my job!! i like to go for events... meeting lots of peopl...


hey, have a really good news... my youngest brother score straight A in UPSR examination... haha... this means that the 4 of us (my sibblings n i) all score straight A in UPSR... so proud of my family... too excited now... gotta share this very good news with everyone... congrats brother... hey, we r smart... aren't we... haha... **im in the office right now n not supposed to blog... so i'll continue later... haha... still very excited... **

Baka desu!!

i was reading some newspaper yesterday and this morning... monitoring the media is part of my job... all i have to do is read the press n look for news/ articles/ advertisements related to our clients and thier competitors... OK... wat i wan to say is i have gone thru a very foolish article that says that 2 sisters were sad after being informed that their pet cat which has been sent to SPCA has put to sleep... haha... so foolish yea... if u love your pet so so much, then take care of it la... why send it to animal shelter... i believe that all people working in aminal shelter are animal lovers... it's a tough task to put animals to sleep... dun blame them la... there are so many stray animals everywhere... how can the animal shelter take care of all of them... most of the animal shelters are lacking of funds and resources... they cant afford and definitely not able to take care of all the strays... what they can do to save more strays is to put some of the strays to sleep... it may...

tanjobi omedetou!!

before i forget, today is Yoshiki's birthday... happy birthday brother... he's my host brother during my homestay in japan years ago... miss those days when we enjoyed a day full of fun n joy in universal studio japan... eating ramen... watching tv... gambling... shopping for ken hirai's CD... last but not least, may all your dreams come true... ganbatte ne!!


Everyone is busy with their own stuff… but I have done my work which is an easy task… just reading the newspaper to observe any news or advertisement related to our clients… besides that I have nothing else to do… waiting for my supervisor to give me more work… but she is in the midst of an urgent meeting now… plan to help my colleagues but they are busy rushing with their own tasks… no time to teach me how to do it… they prefer doing it by their own, of coz it’ll be faster… although I’m an extremely lazy person, I would rather they give me work to do than sitting in front of the PC doing nothing… I have been surfing the net since 11.30 am till now… about an hour already… reading my friend’s blog… n some articles related to my favourite actor, Xiao Mei… oh, my GOD… am I going to sit here till the end of the day?? I’m so so bored… wishing that I could walk around n chat with some of them… I love talking… but they are busy… oh… give me something to do la… I beg you… I dun like to sit her...

lots of things happen...

好久没blog了... 最近发生好多事... 有喜事, 也有不好的事... 表姐结婚了... 虽然说是爱情长跑近10年, 但促成这婚事的... 其实是她肚里的宝宝, 并不是因为时机成熟... 所以, 我觉得一点也不值得光荣... 看见所有的人都在忙着她的事... 有些是真心想替她减轻负担... 有些则手里在帮忙心里却在想: 呵, 真的有了?? 几个月啦?? 为什么会这样?? 为什么人总是那么'八卦'? 事情发生了, 大家都不好过; 有些事放在心里就好了, 不需到处宣扬... 算啦, 和他们也不怎么熟络... 他们喜欢怎样也和我无关... 就在婚宴当晚, 我的婆婆昏倒了... 被送往医院就医... 我真的被吓着了... 没想到一向坚持自己很健康的婆婆竟然会昏倒... 蛮震惊的... 虽然没什么大碍, 但得留医观察一个星期... 这对不能闲着什么也不干的婆婆是个好严重的惩罚... 无论如何, 没事就好... 虽然, 平时我不赞同婆婆处理事物的方法, 而常与她唱反调... 但我还是衷心希望婆婆可以早日康复... 真的, 健康好重要... 不然老来病倒了... 是件好难过的事... 喜欢活动的人落得成天躺在病床上的下场... 好无奈... 好凄凉... 失眠了好几天... 我终于上班了... 感觉还OK啦... 没什么事情干, 但还是疲惫无比... 每天放工回家, 最想做的事就是好好睡一觉... 最讨厌做的事就是早上起床, 发现已是7.30am了... 又要上班... 幸好我还要继续深造, 没那么快踏上上班族的行列... 不然我会疯掉... 上班一点也不好玩... 就算没什么工作, 也感觉好累... 真的很累... 也很无聊... 每天就对着电脑搜查资料... 他们说我是新人... 要慢慢了解客户的资料, 才可以负责别的工作... 但我真的好闷哦... 可不可以给我作些别的工作吖... 哪怕只是复印文件... 总比一整天坐在电脑前好吧... 还有啊... 那里的parking超贵的... 一天就得花RM12... oh my GOD... 幸好我的实习是有薪水领的... 若像其他同学一分钱也没得拿... 那如何负担那么昂贵的parking... toll... 还有午餐... anyway, 我还蛮喜欢我的同事... 大家待我不错... 希望我可以渐渐习惯...