
Showing posts from April, 2006

This is what yee foong wants me to do..

My ex means nothing to me. (yup, u r rite, im still single since the past 20 years =p) Maybe I should be more independent. I love to talk... even if there is no one around me, i can talk to myself all day... I don't understand why some people can be so evil, although they look humble and kind. I lost 1 of my best friend 2 years ago n i miss her so much. People say I am smart because i have very high forehead. Love is an essential part in our life. Somewhere, someone is waitng for me... i always believe that there will be someone in another part of the world who is meant for me... I will always love you is what i wish my prince charming will tell me every sinlge day. gosh~ Forever i hope i can be with my family and friends. I never want anyone to forget my birthday... i really hate those who don't send me wishes on my birthday... I think the current US President is not a handsome guy... =p When I wake up in the morning i usually start my day with a big big smile. My...


今年才刚过了4个月, 几乎每一个月我都出游一次: 1月, 新年期间和家人到tasik kenyir游玩... 2月, 因为代表学院参加conference而到了Miri一游... 4月, taman negara的so called research trip... 这次的trip, 并没为我们带来任何额外的知识... 唯一的收获就是让我看清了一堆人的真面目... 一些你认为很虚伪和败家的人, 其实很友善; 反而那些你一直仰慕的'好人', 其实坏得令人反感... 虽然今年到了好多地方去, 但除了和家人出游外, 其它的都是被逼着去的... 所以并没什么令人羡慕的地方... 蛮无奈的... 不想去, 但被威胁会影响成绩... 去了, 却一点儿也不开心... 算了吧... 一切都快结束啦... 我也快毕业了... 希望可以顺利毕业... 成绩也是我理想中的那样... 那我就心满意足了... 这个学期, 我最大的收获就是结交了一班很棒的朋友... mel, 若倩, 慧铭, jess, magdalene, peimei, lily, zai, raya, indhuja, ... 还有很多很多... 他 们让我在不快乐的时候, 得到很多的安慰... 让我相信 只要有恒心, 没什么是办不着的 ...

February Babe

Abstract thoughts. Loves reality and abstract. Intelligent and clever. Changing personality. Attractive. sexiest out of everyone. Temperamental. Quiet, shy and humble. Honest and loyal. Determined to reach goals. Loves freedom. Rebellious when restricted. Loves aggressiveness. Too sensitive and easily hurt. Gets angry really easily but does not show it. Dislikes unnecessary things. Loves making friends but rarely shows it. H* orny. Daring and stubborn. Ambitious. Realizing dreams and hopes. Sharp. Loves entertainment and leisure. Romantic on the inside not outside. Superstitious and ludicrous. Spendthrift. Tries to learn to show emotions.


总觉得自己是无所不能... 只要我想做的, 都会尽力完成... 对自己充满信心... 是好事吗? 好庆幸自己抵抗压力的能力尚算不错... 不然以我那么好胜的性格, 面对失败时, 早已效仿某人逃回老家去, 不再念书了, 也不需再面对现实... 这样很逊吧... 很不像我... 今天知晓econs assignment的分数... 才10/20... 对我来说, 当然很不满意啦... 但既然那已是事实, 我还能怎样... 只好继续好好念书咯... 希望final exams可以考取优异的成绩, 那我还是能得A-... 还不错啦... 哈哈... mag说得蛮对, 一直都习惯拿最高分, 突然要扮演得最低分的那个角色, 心里还真不好受... 说不伤心是假的啦... 但 伤心归伤心... 那只是一瞬间的伤感... 看见朋友们那么支持我... 友谊和考试分数比较起来... 分数没那么重要了吧... 人生有起有落, 才精彩嘛... 不然一直处于高处, 就不能感受处于低处的奥妙... 明天就要启程到taman negara去... 心里有万般的不想, 还是得去... 既然付了400大元... 就必须好好玩咯... 现在心情蛮低落的... 希望正在阅读这篇隋写的每一个你, 可以为我留上一句: 茹薏是最棒的! 相信当我从taman negara回来时, 看见大家的留言, 心里会暖暖的... 也将充满继续奋斗的动力... 我知道很自恋啦... 但人总爱得到人家的肯定... 不对吗?


~ Father and Mother I Love You ~


如果杀人是无罪的话, 我肯定会把你干了... 或找杀手收拾你也OK... 你是个坏人... 好坏好坏... 我恨你!!! 你 自以为是 ... 认为这世上只有你一个人最棒... 其实你什么也不如... 你是因为抢了大家的功劳, 才有今天的成就... 你是 马屁精 ... 只会跟着lecturer的屁股走... 为了讨好他们, 不惜说些没意义的话... 太没品了... 真是JB人的羞耻... 一直认为JB的男生很有艺术气息... 你怎么和他们比... 你 爱炫耀 自己的成绩... 只是比上不足, 比下有余的普通成绩, 有什么好骄傲??? 大笨蛋 !!! anata no BAKA desu!!! totte mo BAKA... buta... buta... buta...

environmental awareness campaign

after all the quarrel n hard work, here's the seminar n exhibition... it's not very successful, i should say... just an ordinary campaign as what we usually have in the college... what do u expect when u have such members in the group... hmmm... work harder, dudes...