
Showing posts from April, 2010

thanks BFF

i love you, chin xiao yao! friendship is such a big thing to me u've made my day.. miss u so so much! lets go HK/taiwan/vietnam/krabi or wherever in dec. then we can go shopping, makan, minum, gossip, main, star-gazing, day dreaming... cant wait to see u, my BFF =)

new beginning . new resolution

next chapter for raleigh kl will be starting soon. in less than 2 months. im excited. expecting more sparks. from all. yup, i change my mind. nope. i should rephrase. i change my decision. coz my mind was telling me that i should stay all this while. but why i made such stupid decision? same as everyone else, it took me a very long time to decide whether to stay or to leave. i do not want more dramas. i do not like accepting newbies. i do not like working with certain ppl. i want to minimise contact with some ppl. i do not want to be the cause of destruction to my frens, especially those who i really care for. but i know my passion to Get Out There is still around. i wanna do more for raleigh. n i know i can do more. im stupid for announcing that i am not staying. for all those stupid reasons. thanks to poh-e n ck for telling me the truth. that i am important. but i am being ignorant. yes i am. coz the reason i wanna leave is i do not want to deal with some issues n some ppl. so what...

the farewell gift

dont ask me why

smart listens to the head while stupid listens to the heart - a very good statement thanks to 2 of my lovely friends who taught me that i am happy to be stupid the price to pay: u suffer a lot, but u enjoy the fun u gain from every little thing that happened, for no reason n u hope for happy things to happen see, im stupid rite? but luyi shouldn't be stupid, rite? she's always a smart girl but when it comes to things like that, i just couldn't control my wisdom i choose to be stupid, dont ask me why im trying to be smart but it takes a lot more time than expected. boo.. wrong timing wrong timing wrong timing i hate that!

another quote

我混的是友情, 我混的是义气!


別做鴨子,要成為老鷹,在天空中自由地飛翔,勇闖高峰,探索更多不知的遠方,那就不枉此生了。 把鴨子與老鷹的個性及行為,具體地結合在以下九點,讓族人充份了解兩者不同之處,並以老鷹為學習榜樣: 1. 鴨子的生活圈子只有一個小池塘;老鷹在天空中任意飛翔,飛越不同的山峰。 2. 鴨子只說不做,或是沒有能力去做;老鷹少說話,並以行動來回應。 3. 鴨子在每個機會裡挑問題;老鷹在每個問題裡找機會。 4. 鴨子不敢冒險,因為怕失敗,輸不起;老鷹不怕考驗磨練,因擁有無比勇氣及遠見。 5. 鴨子把精神都花在問題上,議而不決;老鷹做事果斷,對自己充滿信心。 6. 鴨子埋怨別人動了牠的乳酪;老鷹不戀棧舊地方,努力往外探索,創造更多機會。 7. 鴨子容易妒忌別人的成就,經常呱呱地叫;老鷹欣賞及分享別人的成功,並從中學習。 8. 鴨子喜在人背後閒言閒語,因這樣做才會受到其他鴨子群的重視及快樂;老鷹只談正面的事,默默地朝著有價值的目標工作,對無聊的事不屑一談。 9. 鴨子心胸狹窄、只會記恨;老鷹胸襟廣闊,明白包容是一種個人修養的反射,也是要成為領袖必具的特質之一。 special thanks to gloria for sharing the article. it came at the right time. doh je sai ar! ps: i miss eating tongsui with u in fatt kei.

quote of the day

if you do not understand the art of replying emails, please do not reply any. stop being like a fussy woman when you're supposed to be a man! you stupid half man! if you think you can change anything by sending those emails, haha you're stupid. we're a family, but you're definitely NOT! so please stop doing silly stuff, at least we could still respect you as who you are. poor halfman who has no friends. no wisdom. no FB. hahaha! note to self: do not repeat the nasty job like what i've done before. it's too ugly for a cute girl like me. i treasure my friends and colleagues, so those who do not fall into that category are not important. ignore them. be a good girl. n get red bean ice.

it's all because of him

all the parties / farewell / outings started because of one person. coz he's leaving the family soon. drake? no. yes, it's him! as usual, surrounded by girls. the other guy overslept n missed the important date. it's fated. haha. congratulations, CK =)

the WooHoo trip

the boat 30% of the crew one of the dead fish as promised. more pictures n stories. first of all, why woohoo? coz we love the kampung n the beach in the movie too much. so we wanna produce a raleigh version woohoo. haha. and i think we did a great production. journey to kuantan started at 6.30am. gathered at ck's then off to karak highway at 7am. music, gossips, music, gossips, sandwich, music, petrol, music, gossips, music... and we arrived at kuantan town slightly before 10am. wow. btw luyi was the driver. had breakfast at some kopitiam recommended by felix. yup he was our gps. haha. poor him had to answer 10 million phone calls on a saturday morning. ok fast forward to the beach. visited the renowned mcd by the beach. as usual we were the loudest among the crowd. all the crew finally arrived. yay! check-ed in. introduction tour. off to the beach. with a lot of dead fish. while some ppl were happily enjoying the sun. some went for advert shooting. with amazing props around. the r...

everything happens for a reason

75% of them saw it. it's like 100 million of OMG. what did i do? am i too stubborn? stop. doing. silly. things. pls no. more. postcard yes. i mind. a lot. i feel embarrassed

teresa is now charlene

im really proud of this young girl my intern fren when i was working at the pr agency she's the only intern whom i keep in touch with after so long one day she told me she has gone to NZ for work n travel i was really surprised and i felt super happy for her she is realising her dreams. working in a foreign land n backpacking i only get her updates from blog n FB she looks great wish i have the courage like hers you go girl! ps: but why she changed her name? haha

the end


not the no.1

im sad to know that im no longer the no. 1 PA im sad that i need to get to know the News from someone else i used to b the first person to know all the agenda but now im the second, mayb the third or forth does that mean that im not important anymore? why does this happen? it's all my fault arggghhhhhh!!! 2 of my close frens told me they cant stop laughing when they see both of us talk n they cant explain why we are funny i have no idea too.. haha.. things are getting better, hope i dont ruin it again as the 'cause of destruction' is getting closer. ps: saw this on javin's fb status One of the bad surprises in life. I thought we were "close frens", but seems like we were just "close". Nobody cares about how I feel before, during and after, so let me tell you this, it is like my heart was being ripped out of me and then thorn into thousands of pieces. Too dramatic? That was how much you guys meant to me, thus the pain. Note to self: Spread ur wings, l...

trailer - woohoo-ed

more to come. stay tune.

tmr will b a good day

i think tmr will be a good day for everyone if not everyone, at least for dino, sulan, poh-e, karlye, woonchin, christal, ck, vincent and me! we're going for comm trip again.. also farewell for ck, the treasurer. it'll be a great one. dramas. photo shoots. gossips. random chats. drinking sessions. beach. it'll surely cure my emo-ness. this sudden emo-ness is so random and stupid!

im waiting

someone said she'll write me a song by end of june to be honest im quite touched but im pretty sure i wont change my mind just bcoz of the song appreciate her thoughts and thanks for the friendship gossips cheese cake drinks crazy-times hope i'll get the song hahaha im waiting tick tock tick tock...

sis in action


i need heavier dose of vitamin raleigh to keep my spirit up! i like this song a lot, thanks to jasper~